

2023年-第二十一届中国国际人才交流大会 提交招聘需求


发布:2014-11-25 10:21:31 点击:343 用户:Lisa 出自:聘外易

Talk about Foreigners’ application

I am one Chinese woman. In fact, I have to say that I am normal and don’t work so hard. According to my working experience, when we apply for our jobs in China, we just call HR who is working in the school and contronl worked insources in company. Even if we can not know that company very much.

Now let us see how foreigners apply for job in China. I believe in my deep heart that you can understand their careness and serious.

Here is one example from my workmate:

My name is Ross Nara; I am interested in the teacher vacancy for native English speakers. To dispatch with the prerequisites: I am an American, I have earned both a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science but have not obtained a TEFL qualification. I will briefly provide an account of my credentials for the reviewer; a more comprehensive summary may be found with my curriculum vitae.

While I have never served formally as a teacher, I have a great deal of relevant teaching experience in the form of tutoring. Concurrent to my B.S. and M.S. studies I worked as a teacher’s assistant for my university. During these seven years, I engaged small groups of students in supplemental instructor in diverse subjects ranging from sciences (physics, anatomy, physiology, chemistry) to mathematics (algebra, discrete math, calculus). I attentively engaged students in interactive dialogue so as to tailor sessions to current their knowledge and learning habits. Inherent in this instruction process was monitoring progression towards learning-directed goals and adjusting variables in teaching to facilitate such expectations. After graduation I worked on a federally funded program to help low-income and first-generation students achieve academic success in spite of various hardships external to academics. This experience was perhaps more challenging given a number of barriers, but ultimately more rewarding.

To address my education: both past and extant. I began my undergraduate studies in the discipline of engineering. Two years of study in this discipline helped me to achieve an advanced understanding of mathematics and physics. However, feeling that the nature of the work was more reclusive than I enjoyed I turned towards kinesiology, ultimately earning a B.S. in sports medicine and a M.S. in sport and exercise psychology. In addition to basic coursework inherent in the curriculum, I began conducting research under the auspices of Dr. Jennifer Etnier. Specifically my research focused on cognitive engagement during exercise and later on biological and behavioral indices of oxidation following forced physical exertion. During these experiences I engaged in critically analyzing technical information and composing a formal thesis.

My goal in pursuing this position is two-fold. First, I found that I enjoy working with university-aged students more so than teaching k-12 demographics at my contemporary job. Second, I feel that I can use my skills to make a difference; this is one of the more important drives I have in life. In my current position at my school I do not feel that I am making this difference. Rather, I feel as if my role is more so a baby-sitter for children who have no desire to learn. Without doubt I would work diligently to help the people I serve and provide uncompromisingly high-quality service. Thank you in advance for reviewing my application.


In that application, they introduce his advatages and passion about working for us. Actually, I am not confident that he can know our school completely and try to seek some information online. But I care about his passion and his resposibilities, at least, I want to interview with him and offer this chance to him. To tell you the truth, when we apply for our jobs , we try our best to get one interview chance, then during in the interview, we can perform ourselves better and get the chance working in this school.

Now here, I want to tell what I think. As one Chinese worker, we should try to be serious about every job which we do. When you try to seek new partners, please keep much more careness about them. 





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