发布:2020-3-3 10:51:04 | 点击: | 用户:Henry | |
疫情之下,外教的两件小事 疫情之下, 我们都窝在家里,一般我们都是有孩子,有家庭。可能不会那么孤单, 但是外教是怎么面对突发的疫情的呢 ?看看我们的外教是怎么面对突发的疫情: 外教现在重庆,文教类工签转聘,求职地不限。
工签资料全 附上George发我的原文: I'll be honest with you. Like you, I too am confindent in China in that there'll be a cure for the virus. However, the aftermath (后果) is what I am concerned about. I personally think it will not be good for Chinese people. In Canada and Australia, Chinese stores and restaurants are closing. People are afraid. In Canada, England, and Austraila, Chinese university students from China cannot re-enter these countries to continue their education. My daughter told me, last week when she was going to school, there was a Chinese girl on the bus. This Chinese girl was born in Croatia. Everybody avoided her. Nobody wanted to sit next to her. My daughter felt very bad and got up and sat next to the Chinese girl. She told the Chinese girl, "It's ok. I understand. My dad is in China." I was very proud of my daughter. 希望疫情尽快结束!迎来春暖花开! |
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