

外教中介可领取 22785000 元 提交招聘需求

wj38615138中介费: 7000

国籍: 美国

学历: 本科


出生: 1987年

到岗: 越快越好

期望税后薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)

语言: 英语, 汉语

求职意向: 教师

工作性质: 全职

工作经验: 2-5(年)

所在地: 广州市

期望工作地点: 广州市

(个人用户)   已通过邮箱认证    所在地点: 陕西省   西安  


08/2017 – 06/2019 Walking Miles Edu. Heyuan, Guangdong, China  English for Special Purposes Teacher, Freelancer
Performed student background reviews to ascertain learning deficiencies and strengths to  develop tailored lessons based on student needs. Set and communicated ground rules for classroom based on respect and personal  responsibility.Identified and documented learning achievements by reporting outcomes, performance  information and program adjustments used to boost comprehension. Established positive relationships with students, parents, fellow teachers and school  administrators.Collaborated with other staff members to plan and schedule lessons promoting learning and  student engagement. Established and enforced rules for behavior and procedures for maintaining order among  classes of between 20-100 students. Developed interesting course plans with multimedia learning tools to meet academic,  intellectual and social needs of students. Earned positive feedback from parents regarding classroom instruction and student learning  success. 01/2019 - 03/2019  Dataville Research LLC Abuja, Nigeria  International Sustainable Development (remote) Intern  Planned and executed development sector training. Conducted Analysis to Address WASH Standards Leading to Research Budget Planning and  an Implementation Proposal. Knowledge Development of Global Sustainable Development Practices. Introduction to Data Collection Training via SPSS Statistics Software. Analyzed the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Introduction to GPS Mapping for Development Projects. 08/2015 – 07/2018 Kindergarten-Middle School ESL Teacher Haikou (1 year), Heyuan (2 years), China The skills and tasks resemble those stated above in the “Walking Miles Edu.” section. 2012-2013  Rochester Fire Department Rochester, Michigan, USA Volunteer EMT  Demonstrated dedication to providing quality care through continued training and education. Executed reasoned and logical decision making in emergent situations. Conducted equipment inspections and vehicle checks in adherence with required maintenance  schedules. Evaluated patients’ medical status and monitored vital signs to provide appropriate care. Managed care in field and in-transit, including performing standard testing. Safely and efficiently transported patients with emergency vehicles. 2009-2010  Starbucks San Diego, California, USA Assistant Manager  Cultivated customer loyalty by training team members in industry-leading service standards. Improved efficiency and productivity by implementing organization systems for financial  reports, schedules and inventory control. Collaborated with store manager to develop successful strategies for achieving sales and profit  goals. Enforced adherence to company policies and procedures to boost team efficiency and  strengthen operational standards.



Central Michigan University  Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA

B.S. in Community Development concentration in Health Science  Cum laude graduate


· Relevant coursework: Community Health (HSC317), Food and Agriculture (GEO315), Urban Geography (GEO340), Human Geography and   Globalization (GEO121), Environmental Health (HSC352), Behavioral   Health (HSC526), Racism & Inequality (SOC323), and Comparative Cultural Systems (SOC506).



wj38629309 中介费:10000元

国籍: 未知       求职意向: 教师

学历: 未知       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 北方城市

wj38624837 中介费:10000元

国籍: 未知       求职意向: 教师

学历: 未知       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 不限制

wj38622781 中介费:10000元

国籍: 未知       求职意向: 教师

学历: 未知       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 上海

wj38621521 中介费:10000元

国籍: 未知       求职意向: 教师

学历: 未知       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 上海

wj38570747 中介费:7000元

国籍: 其他       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >15000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 天津

wj38569936 中介费:7000元

国籍: 乌克兰       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 天津




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