

2023年-第二十一届中国国际人才交流大会 提交招聘需求


发布:2015-11-18 16:30:41 点击:679 用户:Lisa 出自:聘外易


Differences in teaching north and south of china


As i know that most of the foreigners wants to go to the south of china to live and teaching and working in there, i think the reason why is because the pollution is terrible now and especially in north part of china, like in Beijing the will find it so hard to see the blue sky and the fresh air, but instead is the pollution and bad dirty air, yes it sure does make you fell depressed all the time and also can not live with it, its really upset and i understand it, so that's the most main reasons that most people don't want to work in the north of china, another thing is also because of the weather, all knows that the south have most warm weather than the north, the it is like the spring in the 4 seasons, of course it will be more attractive for the foreigners, so this is what they will be concerning too, also the south city of china dont have pollution and they always got fresh air to breath, and the weather too is very warm not too cold nor too hot, so this will be the first choice for the foreigners to choose, because they all think that the north will be too cold for them to live in and also because of the terrible pollution its just makes people sick of it, and dont ever want to live in that kind of environment again, just want to get out of there as soon as possible, so this is what happened, and also the most important thing to think of, these are for the people that knows about it but there are also some people dont know and never notice about it so they are ok with the locations, and they can work anywhere in china and they dont really cares much about the locations, so all they cares about is to get a job in china, that's it.


As for my opinion that it really does not matters where you work, just as long as the job is good and it is also suitable for you then you can just move forward to it, so that is the most important thing, yes that the south of china that have the best weather and also no pollution but thats not the the point, and the jobs in south may not be suitable for you, so sometimes that the best may not be the best for you, and what most suitable for you will always be there for you so it just depends on you, on how you choose and how you wanted, and how you want to live your life, so my suggestion is that to choose the most suitable job for yourself, then everything will work out so good and you will finally get what you want and succeed, its the best for everything and for yourself too, so i think that to get the most suitable jobs is the most important thing, and the locations really does not matters, you should never make a mistake that to loose the most suitable jobs just because of the locations, its the most terrible thing and the very big mistake that you have made, and also the big loose for you too, so please never do such kind of silly things, it is not right at all and also causes bad consequence, which does not worth it at all.


So please be wise on what you choose, and the decision you make must be good, and never let the good chances pass you by, it will be a big pity, and never let this happen in your life, and also in fact the north part of china have more opportunities than the south, because as you know that the south of china have lots of foreigners that from everywhere of the world, cause they all like to go to the south and live and work in there, so for sure that the south part will be more difficult to get a job cause of the fierce competitions, that you can hardly get a job and even a good job and the suitable job is also difficult too, cause most of the good jobs has been taken by the other people, and even the most qualified people too and the natives also, so you may not even have a chance in this kind of situations, it is really so hard to fight with, and ,dont ever make yourself a looser, you can get out of the south and move to the north of china, there are lots of good opportunities and even more benefits that you can get, and the job offers can be more attractive then the south, and you can find youself a good job in the north in fact the most suitable jobs too that you can also get it easily, so be careful with the locations and dont let it take you down.


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