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文章来源:长沙晚报 尼日利亚籍教授唐杰:在长沙做科研超幸福 老外名片 Profile of Changsha Expats Muhammad-Sadeeq Balogun,尼日利亚人 中文名:唐杰 职业:湖南大学材料科学与工程学院教授、博导 在长时间:6年 Muhammad-Sadeeq Balogun, Nigerian Chinese name: Tang Jie Identity: Professor and doctoral supervisor in the College of Materials Science and Engineering at Hunan University Residency duration in Changsha: Six years 湖南大学外籍教授唐杰喜欢踢足球,在他的家乡尼日利亚,足球运动十分普及,“我们湖南大学足球协会经常拿金牌!”工作之余,他和队友常常与省外校友会比拼球技。 Muhammad-Sadeeq Balogun, whose Chinese name is Tang Jie, is a foreign professor at Hunan University from Nigeria. He loves playing football, which is a popular sport in his hometown. During his spare time, Tang Jie and his teammates usually compete in football skills with alumni associations from other provinces. “Our Hunan University Football Association often seizes the gold medal!” he says. “足球排名第二。”唐杰最喜欢的始终是做科研。他是湖南大学材料科学与工程学院教授、博导,穿上实验服、拿起设备器材是他最熟悉的动作。唐杰说,希望能通过自己的科研贡献,成为一个对长沙、对中国有用的人。 “Football comes second.” What Tang Jie loves most is doing research. As a distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor in the College of Materials Science and Engineering at Hunan University, putting on the laboratory coat to conduct experiments is the most familiar action for him. He also expresses his aspiration to be a useful citizen of the world who helps Changsha and China through his research endeavors. “非”越山海而来 AN AFRICAN COMES FROM AFAR “欢迎你们,我们边走边聊吧。”唐杰从一辆湘A牌照小车的驾驶位上下来,用一口流利的普通话和记者打招呼,并指引我们在湖南大学的各个景点间行走。如果不是外形上的差别,你很难想象他是一名非洲友人。 “Welcome! Let’s chat as we stroll,” Tang Jie greets the reporters in fluent Mandarin upon exiting his car, which bears a license plate of Changsha City. He then proceeds to guide us on a tour of the different attractions at Hunan University. If it weren’t for his distinct appearance, you would not be easy to believe he is an African. 唐杰与长沙(长沙外教招聘)的缘分开始于2010年。当时,他还在桂林攻读研究生。“我知道毛主席曾经在长沙生活、工作过,他可是一位大人物!”怀着憧憬,唐杰来到长沙。他从岳麓书院走到东方红广场,一路拍下了不少照片,也对这片革命热土留下了深刻的印象。“当时我就决定,有机会一定要再来一次长沙。” The story between Tang Jie and Changsha began in 2010 when he was a postgraduate student in Guilin. “I learned that Chairman Mao, the late Chinese leader, once lived and worked in Changsha,” he noted. With the longing for this bigwig, Tang Jie came to Changsha City. As he strolled from Yuelu Academy to Dongfanghong Square, capturing numerous photos along the way, he was deeply impressed by the city rich in revolutionary history. “Back then, I made up my mind that if there was a possibility, I'd definitely come to Changsha again,” Tang Jie said. 志合者,不以山海为远。2017年底,唐杰在中山大学取得物理化学博士学位后,来长参加湖南大学举办的岳麓论坛。长沙向唐杰展示出的诚意与他的意愿“双向奔赴”。论坛结束后,他当即决定与湖南大学签约。 Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations. At the end of 2017, after obtaining a doctoral degree in physical chemistry from Sun Yat-sen University, Tang Jie headed for Changsha to participate in the Yuelu Forum hosted by Hunan University. The genuine invitation extended by Changsha perfectly aligned with his aspirations. Consequently, he decided to be employed by Hunan University following the forum. 为了协助他更好地融入,学校在薪酬、住房、科研经费、实验场地等诸多方面为唐杰提供了强有力的支持。不到半年时间,唐杰位于天马实验楼的实验室就已建设完成。“在长沙做科研是一件特别幸福的事。”唐杰说,无论是政府还是学校,都会帮助他积极对接高新企业,让科研成果尽快落地。“我不必操心如何将自己的各项科研成果推向市场,这让我能够更全心地投入科研。” The university has provided Tang Jie with strong support in various aspects, including salary, housing, scientific research funds, and experimental laboratories, to help him integrate into the new environment better. Furthermore, Tang Jie’s laboratory, located in the Tian-ma Experimental Building, has been completed in less than six months. “It is particularly gratifying to do research in Changsha,” states Tang Jie, emphasizing the support he received from the government and the university to facilitate connections with emerging high-tech enterprises to expedite the implementation of his scientific research outcomes. “I don’t have to concern myself with how to bring my scientific research results to market. It allows me to devote myself more fully to scientific research,” Tang Jie says. 享受长沙触手可及的美好 ACCESSIBLE HAPPINESS IS EVERYWHERE IN CHANGSHA “这些都是我的学生,他们来自世界各个地方。”在湖南大学,唐杰真正实现了“桃李满天下”。他说,他很热爱现在的生活,不仅因为岳麓山下高校集中,还因为能与有创意、有干劲的学生一起“攻关”,让他觉得越来越年轻。“长沙是一座充满活力的城市,毋庸置疑。” Tang Jie has become a “fruitful” supervisor at Hunan University with students everywhere. He expresses his deep satisfaction with his present life, attributing it to the presence of many universities at the foot of Yuelu Mountain and to working with creative and energetic students to tackle key challenges, which makes him feel like the young. “Changsha is undoubtedly a city brimming with vitality,” Tang Jie emphasizes. 2019年寒假,结束一个学期工作的唐杰回到尼日利亚与家人团聚,再回长沙时已是一家四口,太太与两个孩子也跟随他一起来长沙定居。“长沙给了我很强的安全感,无论是教育、医疗还是公共设施,都非常友好。”提到生活在长沙的感受时,唐杰用了“安全感”这个词。长沙的一草一木、一山一水都潜移默化地成为唐杰生活中不可缺少的部分,这座城市无疑成了他的“舒适区”。 In the winter vacation of 2019, Tang Jie completed one semester’s worth of work and returned to Nigeria to reunite with his family. When he came back to Changsha again, his wife and two children also followed him to settle in the city. “Changsha brings me with a strong sense of security. The accessibility of education, medical care, and infrastructure is unparalleled.” Tang Jie used the word “security” when describing his life in Changsha. Everything in the city now has been an essential part of Tang Jie’s life in an imperceptible yet formative manner. Changsha has become his comfort zone. 兔年大年初一,唐杰也和本地人一样,走亲戚、拜新年。“朋友精心烹饪了12道菜肴,摆了满满一桌:富贵肘子代表生活富足,红烧鳜鱼象征年年有余,蚂蚁上树寓意节节高升,色香味俱佳的清蒸全鸡则是要‘讨要’一份吉祥如意……”唐杰说,这让他们一家人对春节文化有了更深刻的认识。 On the first day of the Spring Festival in 2023, Tang Jie visited his friends to celebrate the New Year as the locals. “My friends had carefully cooked 12 dishes for me, adorning the entire table. Each dish symbolized wishes for our prosperity, career promotion, and good fortune in the coming year...” he shared the heartwarming experience and thought it gave his family a deeper understanding of Spring Festival culture. “现在,我的孩子不仅会说普通话,还会说长沙话呢!”唐杰说,他们一家不仅完全习惯长沙的生活,还深深融入了热闹火辣的星城。 “Now, my kids can speak not only Mandarin but also Changsha dialect!” Tang Jie adds. He further mentioned that he and his family had fully adapted to life in Changsha and had become deeply integrated into this vibrant and hot city. “我最喜欢带朋友去岳麓书院参观。那是世界上最古朴的书院之一,走进其中有一种特别的感觉;很多人特地来岳麓山旅游,我却一年365天都能随时去岳麓山爬山。”这些触手可及的美好,都让唐杰觉得很幸福。去年,唐杰成为湖南首批特约海外通讯员,他希望通过他的努力,让更多人听到真实的、精彩的中国故事、湖南故事、长沙故事。 “I like taking my friends to visit Yuelu Academy the most. As one of the oldest academies in the world, it offers a unique and enriching experience for visitors. Many people come to travel for the Yuelu Mountain, while I can visit it at any time throughout the year,” Tang Jie speaks highly of such easily accessible things that bring him happiness. Last year, he became one of Hunan’s first batch of special overseas correspondents. He aspires to help more people read the genuine and remarkable stories of Changsha, Hunan, and China through his efforts. “开放的长沙未来可期” OPEN CHANGSHA HAS A PROMISING FUTURE 在长沙的工作一干就是6年,唐杰感到身边的一切都在变化:交通出行越来越方便,人流量越来越大,“网红城市”的名气也传得越来越远,“长沙是一座正在飞速发展的城市,她象征着年轻,象征着机会。开放的长沙未来可期!” During his 6-year tenure in Changsha, Tang Jie has observed significant changes taking place around him: more convenient transportation, a growing population, and the increasing renown of this “Internet-famous City.”“Changsha is a city on the rapid rise. It embodies youth and opportunity. The open Changsha has a bright future!” he concludes. 长沙与非洲国家虽相距遥远,但几十年来,彼此之间的情谊愈久弥坚,外经外贸、文化产业、医疗教育等领域的交流越来越密切。6月13日,湖南省唯一对非经贸标志性项目——中非经贸总部大厦在长沙经开区正式启动,为“非长”友谊再架起一座桥梁。 Despite the geographical distance between African countries and Changsha, their friendship has strengthened over the past decades. The exchanges in various domains, such as foreign economy and trade, cultural industries, medical care, and education, have become increasingly intimate. On June 13, China-Africa Economic and Trade Headquarters Building, the only Sino-African economic landmark project in Hunan, was officially launched in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone, contributing as a bridge for fostering friendship between Africa and Changsha. 其实这些年来,唐杰身边已有越来越多的朋友选择长沙,“中非经贸博览会永久落户湖南,以及中非各个层面的交流合作,都让来自非洲的我看到了家乡与长沙的连接。”唐杰相信,这种连接会越来越紧密。 In fact, more and more African friends around Tang Jie have opted for Changsha in recent years. “The China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, which permanently settled in Hunan, and the exchanges and cooperation at all levels between China and Africa have allowed me, an African, to see the connection between my hometown and Changsha,” Tang Jie believes that this bond will be increasingly intimate. 唐杰参加过一次来湘留学生就业人才双选会,亲眼见证了近50名留学生现场成功签约。他说,随着中国快速发展,中国对国外人才的吸引力越来越大。长沙也在用实际行动向世界发出邀约。2023年,自贸长沙片区外国人来华工作一站式服务中心办件1548人次,同比增长117%,好评率100%。 Tang Jie once attended a job fair for international students in Hunan, where he witnessed nearly 50 international students successfully signing contracts on the spot. In his views, China’s rapid growth has made it more attractive to global talents. Changsha is also actively extending sincere invitations to the world through practical actions. In 2023, the One-stop Service Center in the Changsha area of China (Hunan) Pilot Free Trade Zone for Foreigners Working in China handled 1,548 cases, marking a year-on-year increase of 117% and achieving a satisfaction rate of 100%. 如今,唐杰经常向远在非洲的朋友和亲人推荐长沙,希望能让更多人了解这个中非合作高地的热情和包容。“希望有越来越多的海外人才来中国创业创新,一起加入推动长沙高质量发展的大队伍中。” Nowadays, Tang Jie often recommends Changsha to his friends and relatives in Africa, hoping to enable more people to understand this hospitable and welcoming China-Africa cooperation highland. “I hope more overseas talents come to China for their entrepreneurship and innovations, and join the large team to help promote the high-quality development of Changsha,” he appeals. “今天在长沙,全心在长沙。”目前,唐杰正在申请长沙外籍专家人才绿卡,无论是对长沙未来的发展,还是自己与家人的生活,他都充满信心和期待。 |
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