发布:2024-4-28 16:56:24 | 点击:10 | 用户:Lisa | 出自:聘外易 |
文章来源:高校人才网 浙江越秀外国语学院2024年招聘外籍教师简章 一、学校概况University Profile 浙江越秀外国语学院是一所经教育部批准的全日制本科院校。学校地处历史文化名城——浙江绍兴,地理位置优越。从上海坐火车只需一个半小时,从杭州国际机场开车只需40分钟即可到达。学校现有稽山和镜湖两个校区,两校区之间车程约30分钟。 Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province---one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takess one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses. 学校设有英语学院、东方语言学院、西方语言学院、国际商学院、数字贸易学院、网络传播学院、中国语言文化学院、酒店管理学院、东部理工数据科学与传播学院(国际学院)、应用外语学院、马克思主义学院、留学生教育学院、艺术学院、继续教育学院等14个二级学院,开设有43个本科专业,涵盖文学、工学、经济学、管理学、艺术学、教育学等6大学科门类,含英语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、日语、韩语、阿拉伯语、印度尼西亚语、泰语、捷克语、土耳其语、波兰语、波斯语等16个外语语种,是目前浙江省开设外语语种最多,在外语人才培养上具有丰富的办学资源和品牌优势。现有来自美国、英国、加拿大、韩国、日本等国的100多名外籍教师。 The university consists of 14 colleges, including the College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of Digital Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College(the Indianapolis International College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of Art, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 43 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 16 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish, Polish and Persian which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries. 二、招聘要求和条件Recruitment Requirements and Conditions 1、招聘岗位有大学英语教师、幼儿园英语教师Job positions include College English teachers for university levels and young learners (kindergarten). 2、遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,身体健康,无犯罪记录。 Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record. 3、从事英语教学的外教,原则上应从事其母语国母语教学,并取得母语国大学学士及以上学历学位,且具有2年及以上教学工作经验,或取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位,或取得所在国教师资格证书或符合要求的国际语言TEFL证书。 Applicants for teaching English should be native speakers with a bachelor’s degree or higher and at least 2 years of relevant teaching experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor's degree or higher degree majoring in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate from the host country or TEFL certificate. 4、年龄60岁以下。 Age under 60. 三、工作量及薪资待遇Workload and salary 教学时间:每周16节课。超过规定任务的教学课时可另计报酬。 Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods. 薪资:外教的待遇包括每月月薪、用餐补贴、机票补贴、校龄补贴等。工资标准具体按照外教专业技术职务或学历而分类确定。外教取得学术成果,可按照相关规定另计成果奖励。 Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers. 住宿:学校免费提供公寓,配有基本家具和电器。 Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances. 保险:学校将按规定为外籍教师购买商业保险。 Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law. 假期:外籍教师有权享有学校规定的中国公共假期和寒暑假。 Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university 外教社区:外教中文课、书法课、短期旅游等团建活动。 Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers. 四、申请材料The application materials required 1、 个人简历 1、 Personal resume 2、 有效护照页复印件 2、Copy of valid passport page 3、最高学位证书及其他相关证书复印件 3、 Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates 4、 相关工作证明或参考资料 4、Relevant work certificates or references 5、有效期内的体检报告 5、 Physical examination report within the validity period 6、有效期内的无犯罪证明 6、 No criminal record report within the validity period 7、 电子照片(2寸白底) 7、Electronic photograph (2-inch white background) 五、联系方式Contact information 地址:浙江省绍兴市越城区会稽路428号(稽山校区);浙江省绍兴市越城区群贤中路2801号(镜湖校区) Address: No. 428, Kuaiji road, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province 邮编:312000 Zip code: 312000 电话:0575-88349532, 0575-89114108 Telephone: 0575-88349532 or 0575-89114108 邮箱:1978813283@qq.com【快捷投递:点击下方“立即投递/投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】 Email:1978813283@qq.com 浙江越秀外国语学院2024年招聘外籍教师简章 |
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