发布:2024-4-28 16:33:30 | 点击:10 | 用户:Lisa | 出自:聘外易 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
深圳信息职业技术学院2024年招聘10名外籍教师公告 深圳信息职业技术学院因专业建设、人才培养、科学研究等工作需要,公开招聘外籍教师共10名,现将招聘事宜公告如下: 一、招聘基本要求 对华友好,遵守我国法律法规,身心健康,品行良好,无犯罪记录,具有良好的职业道德和团队合作精神。 二、具体岗位需求
三、聘期 本次招聘按照专业技术类外籍教师引进管理,合同期3年。合同期满后,按相应岗位要求进行考核,考核通过的,按有关规定办理续聘,考核不通过的,不予续聘。 四、薪酬待遇 薪酬待遇参照学校员额制人员薪酬标准确定。 五、报名时间 报名时间从2024年4月11日起。 六、报名方式 有意应聘者,可在报名时间范围内,填写《深圳信息职业技术学院应聘人员登记表》(附件),并将此表连同相关佐证文件(护照照片信息页、学位证书、资格证书等须附上彩色扫描件)及个人简历等材料发送至报名邮箱。 联系人:王老师 报名邮箱:【点击下方“立即投递/投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】 联系电话:0755-89226064 七、招聘考核事宜 经过简历材料筛选后,学校将综合研究确定入围考核人选。入围人员的考核时间、地点及方式另行通知。 八、其他事项 通过考核、经学校审定的拟录用人选办理体检手续、签署合同、有关许可、入职手续等有关事项按上级及学校有关规定与要求执行。 特别说明:外国人在中国境内工作必须同时持有两证:1.有效的《外国人就业证》或《外国人专家证》等工作许可证件;2.有效的工作类居留许可,否则属于非法就业行为。 深圳信息职业技术学院 2024年4月11日 Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) is currently recruiting ten foreign teachers to enrich our academic programs, foster the development of talented students, and promote advancements in scientific research. Below are the details of the recruitment: I. Basic requirements We are looking for candidates who are friendly towards China, in good physical and mental health, with good conduct and no criminal record. Applicants should embody high professional ethics and a strong capacity for teamwork. II. Specific requirements for each position
III. Contract period This recruitment falls under the category of professional and technical foreign teachers, with a contract duration of three years. At the end of this period, a performance evaluation will be conducted based on the requirements of the respective positions. Those who pass the evaluation will be processed for contract renewal in accordance with relevant policies, whereas those who fail to meet the evaluation criteria will not be offered an extension. IV. Compensation package Salary and benefits will be determined according to SZIIT’s compensation framework for staff members. V. Application window Applications will be accepted starting April 11, 2024. VI. Application Interested individuals are encouraged to apply within the designated period by filling out the “Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology Applicant Registration Form” (available as an attachment). Please send this form, along with color scans of pertinent documents (such as the photo page of your passport, degree certificates, professional qualifications, etc.) and your resume, to the email provided below. Contact: Ms. Wang Email: [Click “Send your Resume Now” below to apply for the position immediately] Tel: 0755-89226064 VII. Selection process SZIIT will screen all resumes and shortlist candidates for the next stage. Those advancing will receive further information regarding the time, location, and method of the assessment. VIII. Other information Selected candidates will undergo medical examinations and complete the necessary formalities for joining, including signing the employment contract and obtaining relevant permits, as per the guidelines set by local authorities and SZIIT. Important reminder: It is mandatory for foreign nationals employed in China to possess both a valid Employment Certificate for Foreigners or a Foreign Expert Certificate, as well as a work-type residence permit, to comply with employment regulations and avoid unauthorized work status. Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology April 11, 2024 |
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