

2023年-第二十一届中国国际人才交流大会 提交招聘需求
该外籍人才来自【Foreign teacher world】外籍人才库

wjx10640中介费: 参考月薪

国籍: 美国

学历: 本科


出生: 1952年

期望税后薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)

语言: 英语

工作性质: 全职

工作经验: 2-5(年)

所在地: 美国

期望工作地点: 全国均可


 In 1982 Wang Yaping from the Chinese Writers' Association in Beijing toured 20 U.S. states with a camera, asking Studs Terkel, the
Chinese American architect I.M. Pei, former heavyweight champion Muhammed Ali, and other Americans questions about what he saw.
Since this was his first visit to the U.S., there was a lot that Wang did not understand, so both his viewpoint and his areas of ignorance
present an interesting perspective. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi
In 1985, I was invited by my friend Wang Yaping to come to China to help him with a documentary film he was making
about an international Wushu exhibition which was held in Xian. I later spent 3 months editing this film in Beijing.
From 1986 until the present, I have worked as a motion picture sound editor, supervisor, and sound designer on more
than 100 Hollywood films. Here is a partial list of my film credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0477179/
In 1992, I won an award called "The Golden Reel" from the Motion Picture Sound Editors organization for my
work on the successful action film, "Under Siege."
In 2009, I was invited by the Beijing Film Academy to give a series of lectures on sound editing and design to
the students there. In all, I have traveled to China on 5 separate occasions. For the past 2 years, I have been seriously
studying the Mandarin language. I have also worked as a private language tutor to several students from mainline China
and Taiwan here in Los Angeles. Recently, I had the great pleasure of working with several middle and high school
students in Hubei, China as a private English tutor. Here are the names of some English teachers and
parents in Hubei that you are welcomed to contact.



 I was born in Wilmington, Delaware in 1952.
In 1970 I graduated from Salesianum, an all boys Catholic high school in Wilmington, Delaware where I played on the
basketball and baseball teams.
Later that same year, I enrolled at the University of Delaware where I majored in Graphic Design.
In 1972 I was the winner of the annual student competition to design the poster for the 12th Regional Art Exhibition for the
University of Delaware. In 1973 one of my art illustrations was selected to be put in a special exhibition at the Society of
Illustrators Gallery in New York City titled: "The artist does not see things as they are, but as he is." In 1975, I was
accepted to the Gray Film Atelier in Hoosick Falls, New York where I studied screenwriting and film production under
Paul Gray, a nationally known theater and film director who later became a script consultant in Hollywood. After
graduating from the Gray Film Atelier with a degree in film editing and screenwriting, I moved to Los Angeles, California,
seeking a job in the Hollywood film industry.
In 1982, I was the editor of a short documentary film called "East to West." Another member of that production team was
the famous Taiwanese director, Ang Lee.
A short synopsis of "East to West" appeared in the New York Times:





Foreign teacher world-提供的美国本科外教wjx10867

wjx10867 中介费:参考月薪

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 广州

Foreign teacher world-提供的意大利本科外教wjx10804

wjx10804 中介费:参考月薪

国籍: 意大利       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可

Foreign teacher world-提供的意大利本科外教wjx10787

wjx10787 中介费:参考月薪

国籍: 意大利       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可

Foreign teacher world-提供的美国本科外教wjx10769

wjx10769 中介费:参考月薪

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 湖州

Foreign teacher world-提供的法国本科外教wjx10754

wjx10754 中介费:参考月薪

国籍: 法国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可

wj50604489 中介费:13000元

国籍: 南非       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >20000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可

wj50527149 中介费:15000元

国籍: 英国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >20000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 上海/广州/深圳

wj50522329 中介费:5元

国籍: 德国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 专科       期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可

wj50516988 中介费:10000元

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >20000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可

wj50490824 中介费:15000元

国籍: 英国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 硕士       期望薪资: >20000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 越快越好       意向地点: 全国均可

wj50489906 中介费:15000元

国籍: 美国       求职意向: 教师

学历: 本科       期望薪资: >20000(Yuan/M)

到岗: 2023年8月       意向地点: 全国均可





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