姓名Name : Preya
年龄Age: 30
国籍Nationality : south african
最高学位Highest education(Bachelor/Master/Doctoral) :bachelor of commerce in psychology
Name of the university graduated: university of south africa
学位证签发日期Date of issue on your bachelor degree :September 2014
专业Major in your degree : psychology
教学经验Teaching experiences (type of education institutions e.g. Kindergarten, Public school or others): 6 years
Total length of previous teaching experience: 2 years
目前所在地Current residence :beijing
签证Type of visa :(if already in China) work visa
签证到期时间Visa expiration time: (if already in China) December 2019
求职地区Preferred working area (please tell us if they are only locations you would possibly consider): shanghai
全职/兼职full time/ part time : full time
资质证书TEFL / TESOL holder : none
到岗时间Date of starting to work : after 30 days notice
期望薪资Expectation of minimum salary: 23 k take home
是否提供住宿With or without accommodation : with free accommodation
工签材料Degree,TEFL and non criminal record have already been authenticated by the embassy: YES-NO(if not yet, please give details): yes degree has been authorized
可否接受一年合同Is one year contract OK? : yes
The level can teach : kindergarten and first grade
Type of schools which you wouldn’t consider?: any