该外籍人才来自【sissichan0315@163.com】的![]() |
-English Teacher2014-present Payame Nour university,,Iran -Taught English translation to undergraduate students -Taught reading comprehension to undergraduate students during the General English Course -English Teacher2013-2012 Shomal Institute,Iran -English Teacher2012-2011 Milad Institute,Iran -English Teacher2011-2010Shokouh Institute,Iran -English Teacher2010-2009 Danesh Pazhohan Institute,Iran Education -MA in Teaching English 2011-2013 -Azad University,Shar-e- Qods Branch,Tehran,Iran BA in English Translation2003-2007 Participation in language related conferences & seminars -Published an article entitled critical thinking and mindfulness among Iranian EFL Learners which was presented at the first national congress of foreign language teaching diagnosis in Hakim University of Sabzevar, Sabzevar, Iran. -Participated in the international science and practical conference modern issues in Germanic and Romance linguistics in April 2016 in Ukraine Rivne State University of the Humanities, Lutsk National Technical University “Ostroh Academy”. -Participated in Cukurova International ELT (CUELT) conference held by Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey in April 2016 with a paper entitled critical thinking, mindfulness and academic achievement among Iranian EFL learners -Participated in IATEFL conference held by Bacehir University,Istanbul,Turkey in July 2016 with a paper entitled Teachers’s creativity and students’s critical thinking among Iranian EFL Learners -Participated in TELLSI conference held by Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran in November 2016 with a paper entitled The possible relationship critical thinking and CALL among Iranian EFL Learners |
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