该外籍人才来自【lisa001】的![]() |
2011年-2014年 昆明 云南 ESL教师 负责幼少儿项目教学,全职工作 2014年-今 昆明 云南 TOEFL,IELTS A-level 教师 负责国际高中教学 全职工作 High School Teacher, Edukeys PGA; Kunming, Yunnan — 2013-Present At PGA I have taught mainly ESL, IELTS, and TOFEL with an emphasis on speaking and listening. But I have also had the opportunity to teach ACT, Business, American Literature, American History, Western Culture, and ESL reading and writing. Head Teacher, Owen English; Kunming, Yunnan — 2011-2014 In charge of managing foreign teacher’s department. This included teacher training seasons, teacher assessments, organizing holiday programs and school special events, and cooperating with the Chinese administration. I also held a full schedule of classes teaching ESL to students ranging from 5 years old to adult. Lifeguard and Competitive Swim Instructor — 2008-2010 Being a competitive swimmer for a private club since I was seven years of age, I taught competitive swimmers how to improve upon their stroke technique and become more efficient swimmers. This job also included lifeguarding at the pool on weekends and giving monthly first-aid classes to pool members. SKILLS 120 hour TESOL course completed 2011. 2012 Top Teacher of the Year Award from Owen English. 2016 1 week Teacher Training Course in Beijing. In addition to my full-time positions, I have taught Business English to the Kunming Hydro-electric Co., I have given classes at the University level concerning the differences and similarities in Cultural behavior, and I have taught elective English courses for regular classes in both Kunming public Middle School and High School. From 1999-2002 I served in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Infantry Division. I am also an Eagle Scout. Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland — Bachelor of Arts Sociology, 2008 性格热情真诚,在教学上耐心细致。与学生建立起亦师亦友的关系。非常认真负责的老师! |