Lecturer/Lead Teacher December 2013-Present
Stamford International University, Laureate English Program, Bangkok, Thailand
Develop and teach basic to advanced intensive EAP and ESP courses
Assessment and placement of students in appropriate levels of the LEP
Lecturer May 2010-June 2013
Assumption University, Institute for English Language Education, Bangkok, Thailand
Developed and taught basic to advanced academic writing and conversation courses
Developed and taught IEP and ESP teacher training courses
Assessment and consulting for (K-12) teachers and curriculum
Professor September 2009-January 2010
Aoyama Gakuin University (Westgate Corp), Sagamihara, Japan
Developed and Taught academic writing and reading
Single semester temporary contract
Visiting Professor March 2007- March 2009
Wonkwang University, College of Education, Iksan, South Korea
Developed and taught required conversational English course
Developed and taught ESP courses for education and engineering students
Taught non-credit adult education courses in reading and writing
Developed and administered mock English teacher’s certification exam interviews
Public Elementary School EFL Teacher August 2004 – September 2005
GEPIK, South Korea
Taught for Gyeonggi English Program in Korea
Co-taught with Korean teacher grades 3 through 6
Developed supplemental material for existing curriculum
Developed extra curricular courses for teachers and students
Lectured on material development for GEPIK teachers
Graduate Assistant June 2002 – January 2004
Linguistics Department, SIUC
Developed curriculum and taught IEP for TOEFL preparation
Developed curriculum for Academic Writing Courses for ESL students
Taught Advanced Academic Writing for ESL students (Linguistics 290)
Tutored in SIU Writing Center for international MA, MS and PhD. candidates
Master of Arts in TESOL August 2006
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC), Department of Linguistics
Emphasis on Curriculum Development
Bachelor of Arts in History May 1990
Eastern Illinois University (EIU)
Minor in Speech Communication Performance Studies