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中介推荐模式:外教中介机构将外教推荐到用人单位赚取定额中介佣金。 代招代管派遣模式:外教中介机构代招代管外教,代发外教工资,通常免收中介佣金。
Dance group at she sсhool «Hope» Kharkov, Ukraine March 2014 - February 2015 Dance teacher. •Teach dance to children, work with them. On holidays, we studied thematic songs with elements of dance. We made sets and costumes by ourselves. Studied national and modern dances. •Communicate with parents and colleagues. Kindergarten «Chamomile» Ekaterinburg, Russia September 2015 –June 2018 English and dance teacher •Teach English to children, work with them, take part in different performances. I usse flash cards in a playful way: play with children, drawing with children. •After lunch, we studied English songs and danced. Language summer camp “ BAMBOOK” Ekaterinburg, Russia July 2018 – September 2018 English teacher •In the process of learning English, we had a wonderful time acquiring valuable skills, the ability to work in a team and self-confidence. Actively used English in everyday life in games and songs. Dance with children, drawing with children. 外教确定工作了立马到岗。 |
编号-wj40714858 中介费:8000元
国籍: 西班牙 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 工签到岗 意向地点: 不限
编号-wj40713599 中介费:8000元
国籍: 格鲁吉亚 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 不限
编号-wj40711386 中介费:8000元
国籍: 俄罗斯 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 上海
编号-wj40217223 中介费:7000元
国籍: 津巴布韦 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj40710547 中介费:10000元
国籍: 俄罗斯 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 西安