January 2018 – January 2019 Professor
Action English, Donghai Country- Jiangsu China
▪ Lesson planning and impart ESL courses (all levels).
Business or sector: Private language education
February 2016 - July 2016 Professor
Liceo Universidad Pedro de Gante, Campus Tepotzotlan
▪Lesson planning, design and impartment of courses: World History,
Introduction to Mexican Law, English and Human Trafficking. Provide
materials and resources for educational activities, observe, evaluate and
report on student's performance and development for 100 students
Business or sector: Private high school education
November 2011 - Children Exploitation and Trafficking coordinator
December 2015 Ririki Intervencion Social, S.C.
▪ Design and impartment of workshops: Human Rights, Children’s rights,
Child exploitation and trafficking, Peace Building and Peace Education.
Protocol follow up design for monitoring and channeling labor exploitation
and trafficking cases; dialogue and advocacy with national and international
agencies, organizations, collectives and governmental officials. Participation
in international, national and local forums; editorial writing and proofreading
on violence in children and child labor; grant writer; interpreter English-
Spanish. Construye – T Hidalgo coordinator (UNDP -program), 2015.
Business or sector: Non – governmental children’s rights organization
September 2010 - Professor
May 2011 Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades Naucalpan – Universidad Autónoma de
▪Design and impartment of courses: World History. Provide materials and
resources for educational activities, observe, evaluate and report on student's
performance and development for 200 students.
Business or sector: Public high school education
October 2008 – July 2010 Field Volunteer Barrancabermeja & Uraba
Peace Brigades International, Colombia Project.
▪Physical accompaniment to human right defenders, security reports, security
dialogue and advocy with national and international agencies organizations,
collectives and governmental officials, logistics and finance liaison. Spanish
proofreading, Spanish –English interpreter.
Business or sector: International non – governmental human rights
protection organization
April 2008 – October 2008 Professor
Adversity, Mexico.
▪Impartment of courses: provide materials and resources for educational
activities for business employees.
Business or sector: Private business education
August 2017 – current BA English Education as a Foreign Language
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Campus Acatlan (online and distance education)
August 2017 - 120-hr TEFL/TESOL License
December 2017 International TEFL and TESOL Training (ITTT)
▪ Subjects and/or skills acquired: ESA lesson planning and sequences, ESL
teaching: parts of speech, tenses, productive and receptive skills,
pronunciation and phonology, special groups, classroom management,
evaluation and testing.
March 18 -19, 2017 Workshop: Design and Training in construction of Bio pools, Bioremediation
and Water Management Systems
Hombres de Maíz A.C.
▪ Subjects and/or skills acquired: creation of bio pools, bioremediation and
water systems.
2014 March - June Online Certification: Human Rights and Youth Action.
Department of Prevention and Community Involvement, Federal District
Human Rights Commission and Cauce Ciudadano A.C. through the
Universidad Tecnológica, D.F., México.
▪Subjects and/or skills acquired: Human rights; Adolescents rights; Advocacy
for adolescents; Mediation, Working with adolescents, Workshop planning
for adolescents.
August 2011 – March 2013 Human Development (specialized subject)
Gestalt Humanist Psychotherapy Institute, Campus Lomas Verdes.