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2017-11-2 9:20:52
Time Period: 2016/08 - Present
Company Name: other
Occupation:Teaching Other Languages
Work Experience:
2012.08- ... - private polish tutor
2016 - part time english teacher in training centres: KING's ENGLISH Tianijin, Learn More English Tianjin, Sunny English and more
Time Period: 2016/03 - Present
Company Name: Bilingual Kindergarden 红黄蓝亲子园
Occupation:English Teaching
Work Experience:
2016.03-... - full-time english teacher in Bilingual Kindergarden 红黄蓝亲子园 in Tianjin
(kids 2-6 y. teaching trough art and games, groups around 25 kids, 4 levels %20 preparing class for future primary school students)
Time Period: 2012/01 - 2015/01
Company Name: Form.ART
Occupation:Other Teaching/Training
Work Experience:
event coordinator for kids in a theatrical foundation FORM.art / stage designer for kids performances
Time Period: 2009/09 - 2009/10
Company Name: Public Primary School
Occupation:Other Teaching/Training
Work Experience:
history teacher, fine arts teacher, music teacher
Education Period: 2015/10 - 2016/03
School: European University of Viadrina, Frankfurt Oder, Germany
Major:cultural and linguistic studies
Gestures as linguistic concept (with using gestures in teaching)
Beliefs and Values in different cultures
the metaphore of new languages
Education Period: 2014/06 - 2015/07
School: Tianjin University of Science and Technology
Major:chinese language
China Goverment Scholarship - one year chinese course
Education Period: 2011/06 - 2014/07
School: Faculty of International Cultural and Political Studies, University of Åodz
Major:International Cultural and Political Studies
Degree:Bachelor's Degree
work in intercultural enviroment
Project planning and project management with evaluation
Ethics in the international arena
International and intercultural cooperation
Conducting events in mass culture centersEducation Period: 2008/06 - 2011/07
School: University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Major:Education; Education through Art
Degree:Bachelor's Degree