《外教速聘通》是聘外易网站的超级待聘外教面试卖场 | |||
![]() 中介推荐模式:外教中介机构将外教推荐到用人单位赚取定额中介佣金。 代招代管派遣模式:外教中介机构代招代管外教,代发外教工资,通常免收中介佣金。 教材订购派遣模式:用人单位征订外教中介机构一定数量的教材,获得免中介佣金、免外教薪资的服务模式
Additional Education1994 – The teacher training program certificate of “International House” language school dated 29.04.1994; 2000 – The certificate of Lvov institute “Personal Time Management”, number №IFBM00-122 dated March, 19, 2000; 2003 - Training program "Personal Growth 100%" by Alexander Kazarin, three cycles for three months; 2008 - Andrey Rublevsky masterclass (Business Forward Company) – «Sales, Motivation, Goals», Kharkov. 2009 - Training program for web site optimization and promotion, Kiev, Oleg Krat & Vlad Cherevatenko Work ExperienceTeacher of English in ChinaABIE certificate (ID: 14719) Score 81,95 - 2months Private Entrepreneurstarting August,2009 till 2016 (6 yrs.) consulting, net development of e-shops for common consumption goods Senior Lawyerstarting August, 2006 till December, 2008 (2 yrs. 4 mon.) "Uvis, Ltd", CJSV "Centravis Production Ukraine" corporate off-shore lawyers intermediateLawyerstarting September, 2002 till August, 2006 (3 yrs. 11 mon.) "Dnepropetrovsk Land Company" Licenced Stocktraderstarting April, 2001 till August, 2002 (1 yr. 4 mon.) "Pridneprovsk clearing center" FEA (foreign economic activity) specialiststarting March,1995 till February, 2001 (5 yrs. 11 mon.) "INTERPIPE CORPORATION": „Bipe,Ltd”, «Itera-Energy», "TTM,Ltd" Rich English language practice (oral and written) including management of FEA contracts, bank L/C’s, customs clearing, etc. Work at International Exhibitions, work with new client and markets. Teacher of English (p.t.)Dnepropetrovsk State University, starting November, 1994 till June, 1996, English language and Practical Psychology Chair, chairwoman Eleonora Nosenko, +38(050) 560-90-85 (can provide recommendations) English InterpreterStarting April, 1992 till December, 1994 (2 yrs. 8 mon.) Commercial rowing club "Skif" Director’s personal assistant, interpreter: negotiation and FEA contracts practice HigherThe Dnepropetrovsk State University, starting September, 1989 till July, 1994 Diploma series ЛА Number 006332, Master degree: teacher of English; practical psychologist. HigherThe Kiev National Academy Of Internal Affairs, starting September, 2000 till July, 2005Diploma with honors, series МВ Number 10018996, qualification: common law 商务签, 有经验。 |
立刻约该外教面试 |
编号-wj29100470 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 印度 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 江苏,浙江
编号-wj29099937 中介费或单月费用:5000元
国籍: 其他 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 8000-11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 只能在黑龙江哈尔滨
编号-wj29098062 中介费或单月费用:6000元
国籍: 美国 求职意向: 教师
学历: 硕士 期望薪资: >11000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 2017年2月中下旬 意向地点: 南方城市
编号-wj29097564 中介费或单月费用:7000元
国籍: 巴基斯坦 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 3000-4000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可
编号-wj29096053 中介费或单月费用:7000元
国籍: 加纳 求职意向: 教师
学历: 本科 期望薪资: 6000-8000(Yuan/M)
到岗: 越快越好 意向地点: 全国均可