优秀南非女硕士,南非女外教硕士学位 有tefl 现在济南 求职青岛附近职位 学生签有3年多的教学经验 可尽快到岗 很不错的女外教

Professional Experience
Time Period: 2011/10 - 2012/09
Company Name:,PELICS international.
Occupation:English Teaching
Work Experience: • Assisted with And participated in group activities and field trips. • Monitored youth during activities.• Tutored ages 8-13 and assisted with homework assignments. • Tutored children of 9 to 15 years old in English & Mathematics.• Supervised activities in Good English Writing and Speaking sponsored by Country Club.
Time Period: 2012/07 - 2012/08
Company Name:Always Education and exchange center tai'an
Occupation:English Teaching
Work Experience: • Assisted with And participated in group activities and field trips.• Monitored youth during activities.• Tutored ages 3-6 and assisted with homework assignments.• Tutored children of 3-6 years old in English & Mathematics.• Supervised activities in Good English Writing and Speaking sponsored the education• Teach children along with games to make it attractive and interesting.• Working for their mental and social development.• Observe the behavior of students and working on that for their improvement.• Prepare syllabus and teaching techniques for children.
Time Period: 2013/02 - 2013/08
Company Name:Winter camp Teacher always Education and Exchange fei cheng
Occupation:English Teaching
Work Experience: • Assisted with And participated in group activities and field trips.• Monitored youth during activities.• Tutored ages 3-6 and assisted with homework assignments.• Supervised activities in Good English Writing and Speaking sponsored the education• Teach children along with games to make it attractive and interesting.• Working for their mental and social development.• Observe the behavior of students and working on that for their improvement.• Prepare syllabus and teaching techniques for children
Time Period: 2013/07 - 2013/08
Company Name:Longman Oriental English Summer Camp ,Yantai.
Occupation:English Teaching
Work Experience: • Assisted with And participated in group activities and field trips.• Monitored youth during activities.• Tutored ages 3-6 and assisted with homework assignments.• Teach children along with games to make it attractive and interesting.• Working for their mental and social development.• Observe the behavior of students and working on that for their improvement.• Prepare syllabus and teaching techniques for children

Education Period:2012/11 - 2013/12
School:Taishan Medical University China
Major:Medical Surgery
Degree:Bachelor's Degree
Education Period:2012/03 - 2015/03
School:Beacon house school system kimberley
Major:Pre Medical
Education Period:2010/06 - 2010/08
School:Oxford+seminars+IELTS coaching classes.
Major:TESOL/TEFL 60-hours diploma,SPELT progressive english language diploma.
Degree:Associate Degree
Education Period:2008/02 - 2010/08
School:Saint marry school and college auckland.
Major:pre medical
Degree:High School or equivalent

Skills:Singing,web designing,computer assembling,cooking,business management
Additional Information:-Teaching nursery class student basics like counting, color identification, shapes etc.-Playing games with the students.-Teaching student to work and play in group.-Teaching using pictured charts, toys, and shapes.-Teaching children along with games to make it attractive and interesting.-Working for their mental and social development.-Observe the behavior of students and working on that for their improvement.-Preparing syllabus and teaching techniques for children.-Observing their performance and grasping power individually.-Planning development program accordingly.-Coordinating with parents for giving feedback and report about their child.-Keeping reports of all the children.
南非女外教硕士学位 有tefl 现在济南 求职青岛附近职位 学生签有3年多的教学经验 可尽快到岗 很不错的女外教