外教找工作,你好, 我现在在上海, 我想找一个英语教学的工作

June 2016 VFX (After Effect CS6, Nuke) for comedy – TV series (Episode II) “MMA shorts”
(2K - dur.: 6 min.), directed by David Kano, prod.: Tyler Irvin – Los Angeles
Nov. 2015 VFX (After Effect CS6, Mocha Pro, Nuke), titling (After Effect CS6) for the drama
movie “Nasty Piece of Work” (4K - dur.: 80 min.), directed by James Ursini,
Haesun Woo, produced by: Alain Silver, James Ursini, Haesun Woo – Los Angeles
Oct. 2015 VFX (After Effect CS6, Nuke), titling animation (After Effect CS6) for the short
horror, mystery movie “Eerie Anecdotes: Party at Jill's” (4K - dur.: 15 min.),
directed by Alexandre Viveiros, prod.: Karla Legaspy – Los Angeles
Sept. 2015 Editing (Final Cut X), VFX (After Effect CS6, Nuke), titling (After Effect CS6), color
correction (DaVinci resolve) for the short drama movie “Fade” (4K - dur.: 8 min.),
directed by Mark Owen, prod.: Belloq productions – London
August. 2015 Editing (Final Cut X), VFX (After Effect CS6, Nuke), titling (After Effect CS6), color
correction (DaVinci resolve) for the short drama movie “Thank you” (4K - dur.: 7
min.), directed by Mark Owen, prod.: Belloq productions – London
Nov. 2014 Kinetic Typography (After Effects CS6, Photoshop CS6, Shockwave particle
animation) for “Back House” artist: Cody Wood, prod.: Integrity Records – Los
April 2014 Editing (Final Cut Pro 7), color correction (Mojo AE plug-in), logo animation (After
Effects 6) promo "The Sandra Appiah show", directed by Isaac Boateng, Sandra
Appiah, prod.: Face2Face Africa – New York City
March 2014 VFX designer, texture reconstruction, motion tracking, rotoscoping, compositing
(After Effects 6, Nuke, Photoshop CS6) Color correction (Apple Color, Mojo AE
plug-in) feature film "The Anushree Experiments", directed by: Aparna Malladi
prod.: Nancy Nisa Beso, Aparna Malladi – Los Angeles
Feb. 2014 Editing (Final Cut Pro 7), lens flares light effects (After Effects CS6, Optical Flares
plug-in) music video "Die for love" artist: Bella, directed by Mike Gratzmiller, DOP:
Kristian Kachikis, Color Grader: Jonathan Mcpheeters, prod.: L.A. Pop
Record/David Ocanas – Los Angeles
Jan. 2013 Editing (Final Cut Pro 7), VFX, titling (After Effect CS6, int. element 3D plug-in),
compositing (Nuke), color correction (Mojo AE plug-in) for the Belloq productions
lo go animation, directed by Mark Owen, prod.: Belloq productions – London
Oct. 2012 Editing (Final Cut Pro 7) trailer for the short sci-fiction movie "Level Playing Field"
(HD - dur.: 30 min.), directed by Mark Owen, prod.: Belloq productions – London
Sept. 2012 Keying, rotoscoping (Nuke 6.3) music video " B loodshake", artist: Peace (Indie
rock band), directed by Jake Harmer, executive prod.: Knock Knock for Sony Music
Entertainment UK Limited (C) 2012
Dec. 2011 Motion graphics (After Effects CS6), editing (Final Cut Pro 7) video presentation

SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES (TESOL) – 120-hour premier TEFL course
(50-hour Online TEFL Course, 30-hour Online Grammar Course, 20-hour Online
Video Course, Two 10-hour specialist mini-modules)
2012 Diploma in Operator's Visual and Audio communication at the ITC Majorana – Bari
2010 ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE at Lewisham College, certificate A1 – London
2002 Master’s Degree in Theory and Techniques of the Cinematographic Language, at the
D.A.M.S. (Discipline of Art, Music and Entertainment) Alma Mater Studiorum University –
1999 Attendance at the Zelig Documentary/Film School – Bolzano
1995 Diploma in Accounting management and software development at the ITC Colamonico –
Acquaviva delle Fonti (Bari)

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