ESL Teacher/Children’s Home Counselor/Health Supervisor, St. Christopher Children’s Home, St.Kitts
• Oversaw the day-to-day management of the Home and School and implemented new health policies.
• Gathered and analyzed data observed from child behavior and reported possible responsibilities and solutions to behavioral issues.
• Used various assessments to monitor child/student progress, created a classroom behavior chart to improve behavior, and used cooperated learning to encourage child responsibility.
• Wrote, prepared and submitted weekly lesson plans and created and designed homework, quizzes and exams to test student's abilities.
• Instructed students using textbooks, worksheets, games, and visuals to help improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills
Chief Philanthropy Officer, Innov8: Entrepreneurship & Humanitarianism in Medicine
• Worked with the chief executive officer, development committee, and chair of the governing board to ensure fulfillment of fund development roles and facilitate the optimum interaction between management and volunteers
• Provided general oversight of all of the organization’s fund development activities, managed the day-to-day operations of the development function.
• Helped develop a balanced funding mix of donor sources and solicitation programs tailored to the needs of the organization that enabled it to attract, retain and motivate donors and fundraising volunteers
Regional Director, American Medical Student Association,
Windsor University School of Medicine, St. Kitts and Nevis
• Liaised between the student body and administration
• Presented workshops for medical students
• Organized and managed AMSA Research Day
Medical Service Volunteer Abroad, Medical Students for Health, St. Kits and Nevis
• Provided physical therapy, preventative medicine, HIV/AIDS care and prevention, and worked with the mentally disabled
• Low-income communities were targeted and worked with existing programs to both provide health care and provide education about available health care resources
Executive Administrative Assistant, Cancer Assistance Program, Hamilton, ON, Canada
• Recorded and retained the minutes of all board meetings.
• Collaborated with committee members to organize, prepare and coordinate fundraising events.
• Provided assistance by offering help with mailings, data entry, and all other administrative duties. Member of the Student Government, Windsor University school of Medicine, St

Medical Basic Sciences, MD candidate, Windsor University School of Medicine Graduated 2015
Bachelor of Arts, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada Graduated 2013
Ontario Secondary School Diploma, Westmount Secondary, Hamilton, ON, Canada Graduated 2009

现在在本国, 有经验, 尽快到岗。