埃及白人自爱商务签男外教,埃及白人男外教 自带商务签 下周来华 有教学经验 挺不错的男外教

Professional Experience
Time Period: 2004/04 – 2007/06
Company Name: Ameco Tech
Occupation: Marketing/Business Analyst
It was an American company based in Egypt I was salesman. It’s a telemarketing company we use to marketing in the USA, UK and Australia . My responsibility is to find out the right client and if they qualifies our program and signed them up. I was also the team leader motivation, because I was full of energy and know how to keep my 50 guys on my team challenged and motivated to keep our target high.
Last position when I quit was closer and a team leader. I moved on to a have another challenged in my life career
Time Period: 2007/09 – 2011/06
Company Name: Modern Academy
Occupation: Marketing/Business Assistant teacher
Its an Academy of 4 years bachelor degree. I was an assistant teacher for 2 Professors (Ph.D). During my starting 2 years I was assistant teacher for marketing Professor. i use to review and revise the lecture than has been given by the professor with the student . Answer all the questions and solve more problems with them to help them more on their marketing class.
Starting from 2010 academic year I became an assistant teacher for accounting Professor (Ph.D) with the same responsibilities and extra classes for the accounting 1 & 2.
Each Subject I teach I had an exam made by the head of the department and got approved. This academy I use to teach at it was the very same one I got graduate from. I had a very good reputation from more member of the stuff and even of the student. I know how to handle a class very well and very friendly with my student that’s why my class wasn’t a boring for the student it was more like a interesting academic class.
Time Period: 2007/09 – 2014/06
Company Name: Training Centre
Occupation: Marketing/Business Assistant teacher
I was full responsible for teaching a class of 15 to 20 student in business school age of 14 years. Also teaching accounting for 2 days a week. In that training Centre I had gained more experience of teaching, because I was fully responsible of my student. I kept myself posted with the new ways and tools of teaching. I try to find every day the new material for my student to keep my classes a very interesting, energetic, fun academic as much as I can. And on the monthly bases I keep record of myself to know if my tool with each student is a success or I need to change it individually so that I don’t keep a student behind of my class.

Education Period: 2002/09 - 2007/07
School: MIS
Major: Managerial information system
Degree: Bachelor’s Degree
management and computer science

Arabic: Mother Tongue
English: Fluent
I know how to use my body language very well as a tool to pass the information for my student. Like to read and to keep myself posted with the new tools.
Music, traveling , dancing , walking , movies , Reading , Gym, cooking.
埃及白人男外教 自带商务签 下周来华 有教学经验 挺不错的男外教