优秀美国男外教,美国男外教 现在菲律宾 求职中国南方职位有tefl 有教学经验 可尽快到岗不挑地方

English Language Teacher/Instructional Specialist
ABC360 Philippines Ltd. Co., (JULY 16, 2015 - PRESENT)
JOB DESCRIPTION:Responsible for providing an instructional program designed to assist teachers with developing skills in the preparation of effective learning (lesson) plans, presentation of content, classroom management, and school and community communications. Serve as a liaison between the school, and the assigned office or department.
ABC360 was established in China in 2011. We are the fastest growing and most dynamic online English Language Teaching (ELT) company in both China and the Philippines. Since 2012, we have been operating in the Philippines, creating thousands of jobs for home-based and office-based teachers. These teachers live in various parts of the Philippines and come from all walks of life.
ABC360 knows that each of us teachers have strengths and assets, and they allow us teachers the freedom to apply their unique English teaching strategies in their classes in order to create an unforgettable learning experience for each student. Creativity and innovation are recognized as the teacher’s partners in providing lessons which suit the particular needs of students of all shapes and sizes. The materials also tackle a wide range of topics from Teenagers English to IELTS, TOEFL classes to Business English classes to just free talk. This variety helps to ensure there will never be a dull moment in class and teachers will have just as much fun teaching as the students have learning. As they also endeavor to make good teachers into excellent teachers, their training department diligently provides training to encourage our new and old teachers’ professional growth and development. The training department staff are eager to help address any of your weak teaching points in their many superb training courses. ABC360 also makes sure that all of their office-based teachers will have their own laptop, headset and web camera in addition to their very own mini-office where they can focus on giving quality lessons to their students free from any worries or distractions.
Customer Service/Change Agent (CSR)
Noble Trends Unbound, Inc. (NOVEMBER 2014 – MAY 14, 2015)
JOB DESCRIPTION:Responsible for acting as a liaison between customers and companies. Assists with complaints, orders, errors, account questions, billing, cancelations, and other queries.
NTU intends its call and service center (NTU Call Center) project as a means to raise money and generate funds to support its main projects for social development. The organizers of NTU want to make NTU self-sufficient. The call center project started with a 30-seat facility established within a PEZA certified-site.As a start-up operation, the call center provided an outbound-telemarketing service for clients based solely in the continental United States. Because clients for the call center are all overseas-based, a call center set-up is easily the least painful way to achieve a dollar remittance system for our people, especially if it is owned and operated by a Filipino entity. Today, 95% of the call center operations in the country are owned and controlled by foreign corporate interests. Typically they forward net profits back to their corporate headquarters outside the Philippines. In contrast, a Filipino controlled operation retains and reuses the profits within the country. In addition, it avoid the many pitfalls inherent in our overseas workers programs such as breakdown of family structures due to disunions, worker abuse, absence of worker rights in host countries, psychological problems due to isolation and weak community support systems, among others. Furthermore, it utilizes the one natural resource that Filipinos have in abundant supply: Ourselves -intelligent, hardworking, English-speaking, and a people steeped in an unshakable faith and hope in themselves and in God.
SynerG Outsourcing Inc. (MARCH 16, 2014 –NOVEMBER 4, 2014)
JOB DESCRIPTION:Responsible for handling customer complaints and selling jobs while applying various and excellent communication skills. Be able to give accurate information to the clients about setting appointments, receptionists tasks etc.
Syner G Outsourcing Inc., is a business outsourcing company that started modestly in October 29, 2008, with only 5 call center seats in the City of Baguio, Philippines. In a matter of two months, an unexpected growth of additional ten (10) seats took place. Furthermore, after another two (2) months, an inevitable expansion of the company made Syner G acquire a bigger space to accommodate a thirty (30) seat area to provide for additional demand for a Canadian Merchant Account to do outbound services for them. The very desire of the founders was to explore the growing demand of the outsourcing industry with a heart to pursue a call to fund an aspiration – “touching the world” – bringing the message of our Creator’s love in the lives of many. Thus, being a positive influence to the majority, impacting their lives, making a difference in the Philippines and globally. Believing and pressing on towards the goal, at this point in time, the realization of this endeavor is comprehended in the ability to open doors of opportunity to provide employment and be an avenue to serve Young Urban Professionals to achieve their career goals and embodying the company’s Core Values – INTEGRITY, EXCELLENCE, TEAMWORK and PASSION; achieving a lifestyle of principled values. Currently on-going hire, train, and retain program to get the best agents in the industry is closely being supervised and evaluated to aim for excellence in every business solution we develop in our pipeline. Looking ahead, we aim to integrate highly trained people with proven business methodologies collaborating with clients to help them excel in their industry and help them maximize their customer lifetime value.

Date Finished: August 5, 2016
Rm.4, 2/F, Rainbow Bldg., Queen of Peace, Naguilian Rd., Baguio City, Philippines
Finishing Course for Call Center Agent
January 13- February 14, 2014
PEZA Loakan Road Baguio City, Philippines
June 15 – July 15, 2015
Basement 4, Cooyeesan Hotel Plaza, Naguilian Rd., Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Psychology Saint Louis University
Year Graduated: 2013
Secondary Pines City National High School
Year Graduated: 2011 Baguio City, Philippines
Primary Talaibon Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2007 Batangas City Philippines

Career Objective:?xml:namespace>
To build a harmonious relationship with students while helping them to becomemore productive and globally competent by using English in the most efficient manner possible; furthermore, I’m going to do my very best to tremendously enhance my skills and knowledge in teaching various kinds of learners and for me to become a moreeffective educationalist.
美国男外教 现在菲律宾 求职中国南方职位有tefl 有教学经验 可尽快到岗不挑地方