沃尔得国际英语位于嘉兴市中心的旭辉广场。旭辉广场是目前嘉兴市最具规模的集精品百货商场、知名超市、特色餐饮、休闲娱乐中心和高档住宅为一体的购物广场。中心占地面积 400多平米,员工30 余人。本中心时尚 现代化的教学环境,专业高质量的教学团队吸引了大量国内外优秀的教学专家。沃尔得独创的多元学习法以及诚信高端的教学服务品质在嘉兴地区众口皆碑。
Part 1: World International English Jiaxing center
World International English is located at 3F Cifi Plaza, which is in the very center of Jiaxing City. Cifi Plaza is the biggest shopping mall consisting of hundreds stores in Jiaxing. Its anchor stores are Cifi mall, Carrefour, Sephora and KFC. World International English Jiaxing Center locates in CIFI Plaza, which is in the very center of the business district of Jiaxing, and it is the downtown in Nanhu district of Jiaxing city. The school covers an area of more than 400 m2, with over 30 young and energetic staff members whose age varies from 22 to 30. A modern teaching environment and a highly-qualified team of professional staff present a strong appeal to outstanding domestic and foreign teachers. The unique all-round learning method, relaxed and active English content, and specialized professional teaching concepts have achieved high praise from students and citizens.
(Photo of World Staffs in Jiaxing Center)
(Photo of Christmas Party)
嘉兴市是浙江省北部的一个地级市。和上海的西南、杭州的西面、江苏的南面相邻, 是京杭大运河沿线的重要城市之一,属于长三角地区核心地带。嘉兴自古素有“鱼米之乡”、“丝绸之府”之美誉,现今嘉兴的化工电子产业也是非常发达,并且是世界皮革进出口最大的城市之一。作为华东地区重要的能源产地,国家自主研发的秦山核电站也坐落于嘉兴海盐县,在未来方家山核电站也即将落成。
Part 2: Jiaxing city
Jiaxing is a prefecture-level city in northern Zhejiang province. Lying on the Grand Canal of China, Jiaxing borders Hangzhou to the southwest, Huzhou to the west, Shanghai to the northeast, and the province of Jiangsu to the north. Jiaxing is well known as the hometown of silk; hence it is a famous producer of textiles and woolens. And it is one of the world's largest exporters of leather goods. There are mechanical, chemical and electronic industries there. Jiaxing is an important energy base in East China. Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, the first self-designed nuclear power station in China, and Fangjiashan Nuclear Power Plant (under construction) are located in Haiyan County.
Part 3: Tourism in Jiaxing
Jiaxing has abundant culture relics and tourism interests. Jiaxing also has the honor of National Garden City, State Sanitary City, China’s Outstanding Tourist Country etc. One of the famous tourist attractions is called South Lake. The first national congress of the Communist Party of China was transferred from Shanghai to Jiaxing in 1921 and the final agenda was carried out in a pleasure boat on South Lake. In Jiaxing, there is a well-known rice pudding called Zong Zi. The glutinous rice is wrapped with bamboo leaves, bound with a kind of raffia and boiled in salt water for hours. Besides the beautiful environment and delicious dishes, Jiaxing has been a cradle of talented people. The founder of modern science in China, Shen Zengzhi was born in Jiaxing. Xu Zhimo’s former residence was built in Haining. He was a famous prose writer and modern poet in the early 20th century.
(4)班级人数:小班制。Mini Class 每班不超过4人;Salon Class 每班不超过10人。
每个外教的悬赏赏金为 6000元整,外教到岗7日内支付50%给外教中介机构,外教到岗满30日付余款
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