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Bridge Recruitment & Education


关于Bridge Recruitment & Education

Bridge Recruitment & Education (BRE),位于英国伦敦,独创外教“直邮”一站式服务,是英国行业领先的专注于为中国招募外籍教师及其他外籍员工职位的招聘机构。

We are Bridge Recruitment & Education (BRE), the UK’s leading recruitment agency specializing in contracting English teachers and graduates looking to move abroad to China and working as teachers or other positions.


As we are based within the UK we have the advantage of having access to a quality pool of candidates and we are in the ideal position to ensure all our candidates are screened for suitability and have the necessarily ability for the role. Additionally with our strong data base (1000+ applicants) , well organised service process and excellent support system we can promise high retention rate to ensure our candidates fulfill their contract obligations whilst in China.

如果您有兴趣了解更多我们的公司及服务内容,您可以浏览www.bridgerecedu.co.uk (由于网站域名的地区限制,我们建议您使用电脑打开链接,如有不便非常抱歉),您也可以直接联系我们(联系方式在下方)。

Please do get back in touch so we can discuss this further with a view to doing business together. All my contact details are in my signature and do feel free to check us out at our website.

Christine HUANG

Director of Bridge Recruitment & Education



Email: bre_christine@hotmail.com

Mobile: +44 7421304198

wechat: kibumay