广州美国人国际学校 简介
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位于科技园校区的AISG(广州美国人国际学校)是一个独立的男女同校走读学校,提供了完整的教育计划,从幼儿园到12年级,分为 :学前,小学(幼儿园至5年级),初中(6至8年级)和高中(等级9至12 )。 180天的学年包括两个学期,从8月中旬到六月初。
目前,小学位于广州美丽的二沙岛,珠江上的一个专用的校园。 学校的设施包括健身室,电脑室,大型图书馆,美术室,音乐室,儿童游乐场和50间教室。所有教室都接入互联网。 初中和高中都装在一个全新的设施与空间扩展科学园,位于城市中心的东北方向。新的校园和设施在小学之外,也有3个美术室,音乐室(以及许多的实践空间),是一个完全无线的环境。
课外活动和社区服务功能,学校的办学理念是非常重要的.许多学生参加竞争力的排球,篮球,足球,橄榄球,羽毛球联赛,活跃的戏剧和音乐俱乐部,模拟联合国组,但也 有少数。 社区服务计划,包括帮助建立中国农村贫困社区的家中通过仁人家园与智障的成年人在广州工作。AISG的学生在这方面的领导地位是非常自豪的。
Welcome to the web site of the American International School of Guangzhou. AISG is a warm and wonderful school providing excellent educational opportunities to the expatriate population of greater Guangzhou.
Founded in 1981 in the American Consulate, AISG now consists of three separate campuses. The new Science Park campus opened in September 2007 serving students in grades 6 through 12. The elementary campus is located on Ersha island in the Pearl River near the Xing Hai Concert Hall. The Early Childhood Center is located a few minutes away from the island at Central Parkview. The ECC is home to the pre-school program.
AISG's educational mission to prepare students for entrance into the very best universities in the world is enhanced by being in the cultural center of Guangzhou and Southern China.
As an American International School, AISG aspires to serve students from many different countries. Its curriculum is based on the very best standards and benchmarks of American education. At the same time, AISG's curriculum is organized according to the principles of the International Baccalaureate. Although a young school, AISG already has an impressive record of admissions into top universities in North America, Australia, and a number of Asian countries.
Many of our students will be with us only a few years and not necessarily graduate from AISG, as is the norm in international schools. At each grade, AISG offers both a comprehensive academic and activity program. This program is designed to help new students from many different countries to quickly find a home at AISG. AISG's multi-national faculty encourages AISG students to develop an appreciation for China and the diversity of countries represented.
We encourage you to visit all parts of our web site and contact us with any questions that you may have. Tomorrow's diplomatic, business, educational, and scientific leaders are enrolled in our school today. We are proud of what we are and whom we serve.
Joe Stucker Director