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Access International Academy Ningbo (AIAN) is an independent, nonsectarian coeducational day school founded in 2003. AIAN provides an American-based educational program from Pre-school through grade 12 in service to students of all nationalities. The school is governed by a Board of Directors with input from the school Administrative Team. The school community includes parents employed by foreign and local businesses and the school maintains a direct relationship with the Ningbo Economic Technical Development Zone.
AIAN is an accredited college preparatory institution committed to providing research- based educational practices to the multicultural community it serves. Students are encouraged and empowered to become Global Citizens, Lifelong Learners, Collaborative Workers, and Effective
Communicators enabling them to contribute to the betterment of the world.
Accreditation and Membership
AIAN is accredited by the Western
Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), is a member of the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS) and the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS).
There are 180 days of classroom instruction over two semesters, with Semester 1 beginning in August and Semester 2 beginning in January. The school day begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:40 pm. All students attend After School Activities (ASAs) from
3:40 pm - 4:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with optional Wednesdays for additional sports.
Current enrollment for 2015-2016 is 98 students. 20 nationalities are represented, of which 30% are Korean, 7% are North American, 12% are European, 21% are Chinese and 30% represent other nationalities.
AIAN drone -Mozart- Andante Cantabile .mp4
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Click on the video above to get a bird's-eye view of AIAN
There are 25 instructional faculty members and administrators employed with AIAN. Of the expatriate teachers, 80% are North American.
AIAN is a college preparatory school aligned with the AERO Standards. English is the Language of instruction at all academic levels. The four core areas of instruction are English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. AIAN provides the opportunity for its high school students to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses in the areas of: Chinese Language and Culture, Chemistry and Comparative Government and Politics. Through the AP program students can earn college credit and/or placement in higher level courses at universities. AIAN is a Testing Center for the SAT and SAT II standardized examinations.
Standardized Testing
A systematic annual program of standardized testing is implemented to assess students’ ability and achievement. Students in grades K-
12 take MAP Test in October and April of each year. AIAN is a College Board Testing Center and offers the PSAT, SAT and AP examinations to its students.