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  • 用户ID:19656
  • 浙江省 - 温州



聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A2 ,注册编号:3313152

苍南县江南实验学校创办于2011年,是县教育局直属的一所高起点、高规格、高质量的寄宿制学校。办学以来,在"幸福教育"核心理念的引领下,以英语教学、习惯培养为特色,坚持打造绿色、纯净、公平、廉洁教育教学环境,全面彰显优质教育,赢得社会广泛赞誉,市级以上媒体400余次报道学校办学特色与业绩,全国政协副主席王文元亲自为学校题写校名,国家外交部公共外交办公室、文化部中国传统文化促进会领导先后莅临学校视察指导。办学至今,学校先后荣获浙江省义务教育标准化学校,温州市文明学校,温州市义务教育办学水平评估等级学校,苍南县 "文明单位",苍南县德育特色学校、行为规范达标(优秀)学校,苍南县绿色学校等诸多荣誉,学校顺利实现了跨越式发展。

Cangnan Jiangnan Experimental School was founded in 2011. It is a newly-built boarding school with highquality and standard. With the leading idea of "eudemonism education", ourschool sticks to the distinguish feature, that is: English characteristic andthe cultivation of students' habits. Meanwhile, school does its utmost to forgea green, pure and integrity teaching environment. To our delight, parents andsociety speak highly of our efforts. City-level Medias cover the uniqueteaching features and achievements for over three hundred times. Wang Wenyuan,the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,inscribed the name of school. The leaders from the Ministry of the ForeignAffairs and Ministry of Culture visited, inspected and directed work at ourschool for several times. Jiangnan School has been awarded the title of "Zhejiang province compulsoryeducation standard school; Wenzhou Civilized school; Cangnan civilized unit; Cangnangreen school; it passed the School's Grade Evaluation of Wenzhou CompulsoryEducation successfully. Furthermore, it is one of the schools with distinguished moral characteristics in Cangnan. Last butnot least, it passed the evaluation of daily conduct norm education. To ourdelight, our school has achieved great-leap-forward developments in thoseyears.