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先进的教育理念    学校21年来秉持为国育才的创校宗旨,聘请职业校长,专家治校;聘请国家级督学,依法办学。学校以“自强为荣、博爱为怀”为校训,实践三个承诺“把每一个学生当做自己的孩子、让每一堂课都成为精品、让每一位荣怀学子得到充分发展”,以培养“品德高尚、基础扎实、素质全面、体魄强健、特长出众”的英才为己任;全面实施校园CS优质服务战略,全面推进素质教育,实施小班化、个性化教育。

精良的师资队伍学校组成了一支由专家学者为客座教授,特级教师为学科指导,中高级教师为教学骨干,教坛新秀、学科带头人及有突出专长教师为主力军的德才兼备的师资队伍。现有专任教师 680名,外籍教师35名,特级教师11名,高级教师120余人;各类地市级学科带头人、教坛新秀、名师80多名。

鲜明的教育特色    学校全力打造办学特色。学校各学部业已形成以双语教学、理科创新教学、国际教育、人格教育、创业教育、艺术教育、礼仪教育为主的办学特色,满足家长学生的择校需求。荣怀学校率先打破传统的人才培养模式,实现人才培养的多元化、个性化。特别是针对中国长三角地区私营企业主多的特点,开设了《企业家精神教育》系列校本课程,让荣怀学子自小接受商界精英教育。

卓著的办学成果   学校有着四年高考三出县市级、地市级状元的辉煌历史,2006年,陈果果同学夺得绍兴市高考理科状元,列全省第4名;2003年周晶锦同学以674分的高分夺得诸暨市高考理科状元,列全省第11名,均被清华大学录取——高中理科创新班被誉为清华北大学子的摇篮,先后共有37人进入清华北大,2015年高考中,3人被清华大学录取。重点大学录取人数远超同类学校的优异成绩。初中理科教学全省知名,学科竞赛曾连年囊括浙江前四名,连年夺得团体优胜。小学全面推行双语教学和包括学生体艺在内的综合素质教育。6所高档次幼儿园,满足了市内外成功人士对优质幼儿教育的需求,并引领前沿建立0-3岁亲子早教基地。国际高中毕业学生纷纷进入剑桥大学、滑铁卢大学等国际名校,2016届毕业学生有42人被英、美、加、澳等国高校录取。


优秀的校园文化 除了构建传统的校园文化形成优良的教风学风校风外,还着力打造管理文化,先后编写了《制度创新与管理实践》、《办学理念与从业行为》、《管理干部的学习思考与实践探索》,把开拓性的办学实践上升到理论的层面,努力用现代科学的管理理论指导大型民办寄宿制学校的管理,这对于中国民办教育事业的健康发展具有非凡的示范意义。


Zhuji Ronghuai School, which belongs to Zhejiang Ronghuai Education Group was founded in 1996. Located in the city of Zhuji, it is famous for its high qualified graduates and traditional virtues of farming and studying diligently. There are 13,500 students and teachers from both home and abroad in our five departments such as senior school, junior school, primary school, kindergarten and international school. Our school inherits the spirit of self-reliance and charity which was established by the founder. And it has become one of the best, largest , most modernized and internationalized education groups in China through 18 years’ striving. Our school not only attracts thousands of new students from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other cities for study every year, but also it attracts hundreds of global oversea Chinese and foreign students from 16 other nations ,which is considered the largest number in Zhejiang province. Our school has received state awards for so many times. For example, it was awarded the national outstanding private school in October, 2009 and it also won the title of the advanced national education group in October, 2010, enjoying good reputation at home and abroad

Advanced Concepts of Education

Our school takes the aim of cultivating children for our country during the last period of 21 years, hiring professional principals, experts for administration. Meanwhile the school hires national education inspector to run the school according to the law. Our school takes advocating morality, seeking truth, being knowledgeable and being motivated as the school’s motto. We treat each student as our own child, make each class high-qualified and let every student develop fully in our school. We take the responsibility of cultivating excellent elites with high moral quality, professional solid footing, a toned body and outstanding talent. What’s more, we have been taking the strategy of implementing the CS quality service, promoting quality-oriented education, implementing personalized education and having fewer students in one class.

Excellent staff of teachers

Our school has organized a team of excellent teachers, which appointed experts and scholars as our visiting professors , super teachers as our subject directors, senior and intermediate teachers as our teaching backbones and newly advanced teachers and leading teachers as our main force. Our school’s staff consists of 35 foreign teachers and 680 full-time teachers, including 11 super teachers, more than 120 senior teachers and over 80 Newly Advanced Teachers, Leading Teachers and Outstanding Teachers.

Distinctive Education Characteristics

In order to meet the students and their parents’ need, our school has shaped the teaching characteristics---Bilingual teaching, science innovation learning, international education, personality education, entrepreneurship education, art education and etiquette education.RongHuai School has firstly broken the traditional mode of the talent education and has realized the diversification and individuation of talent training .Especially for the feature that there are so many private business owners in China's Yangtze river triangle area, the school has opened the school-based curriculum named Entrepreneurship Education to let our RongHuai students accept elitist training from pupillage.

Significant achievements

Our school has a glorious history that has won the city’s champion in the entrance examinations three times within four years. In 2006, a graduate named Chan Guoguo won the title of Shaoxing City’s top science student in the entrance examinations and ranked fourth in the whole province. In 2003, Zhou Jinjing won the title of Zhuji’s top science student with a score of 674 and ranked eleventh in the whole province. Both of them were admitted to Tsinghua University. The Science Innovative Classes of our senior high school known as the cradle of the students of Tsinghua and Peking University, have already had 24 graduates admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University successively, making the number of students admitted to key universities much larger than similar schools. The science teaching in our junior high school is well-known across the province. In the academic competitions; our junior school took the top four places and all the group awards in successive years. Bilingual education and comprehensive quality education including physical and aesthetic education are fully implemented in our primary school. The five high-grade kindergartens have met the demands of successful people both inside and outside the city for early high-quality childhood education, and lead the forefront of establishing the base of the parent-child education in early childhood between the age of 0 to 3. Graduates of International Foundation Center have entered University of Cambridge, University of Waterloo and other famous international universities.

Ronghuai School has won hundreds of national awards during the past 18 years. Each faculty has won the highest qualification recognized by the education administrative department. Our school has successively won more than 20 honours, such as the Excellent Private School of Zhejiang Province, the Key School of Zhejiang Province, the Model of Jonior High School in Zhejiang Province, the Model of Primary School of Zhejiang Province, the Model of Kindergarten in Zhejiang Province, the Artistic Characteristic School of Zhejiang Province, the Green School of Zhejiang Province, the Experimental School of Modern Educational Technology of Zhejiang Province, the Safe Social Order School of Zhejiang Province, ect. Besides, our school has established the base of Cambridge English test and the Olympic Mathematics training and has joined the World Chinese Language Teaching Association of the Ministry of Education.

Particular school culture

We not only cultivate traditional school culture to form excellent teaching-studying mode, but also try to create administrative culture. We have compiled “Regulation Innovation & Management Practice”, “School Running Philosophy & Profession behavior”, “Pondering & Exploring of the Administrators”. We have succeeded in promoting the pioneering school running practice to theory and striving to guide the administration of large-scale private boarding schools with modern scientific theories, which has marvelous demostrative meaning for the healthy development of private schools in China.

At present, embracing the group’s motto of “ ResponsibilityInnovationHonour”, Ronghuai School is heading for international education, which is to be well known as a privately-run instruction centre both at home and abroad.