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  • 用户ID:18771
  • 江苏省 - 苏州



聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A2 ,注册编号:3215054



该园占地面积 3622 平方米。建筑面积2170 平方米。绿化面积 600平方米 。户外活动场地852平方米。户外活动场内设有小假山、小沙池、塑胶场地和大型游乐设施,科学地满足了各年龄段幼儿的需求

该园目前设置13个班级,分别为2个托班,4个小班, 3个中班, 4个大班。每班配有2名专职教师和1名专职保育老师。





Elfa Jinri preschool Zhangjiagang was founded on May 1, 2005 . It is located in the west city of zhangjiagang ,which is in a condition of a beautiful scenery, open area and  natural ecology. 

Our preschool has an area of 3622 square metres. In outdoor arena there is a small rockery,  a small sand pond, plastic playgrounds and large recreation facilities, which suit the children's different ages . 

Our preschool can hold 13 classes , 2 prenursery classes ,  4 nursery classes ,3 K1 classes , 4 K2 classes .  

There are 2 full-time teachers and 1 full-time care teacher for each class. Almost all the teaching staff of our school have certificates . Everyone has got ELFA special training and  can keep pace with the times. Adequate staffing and scientific management can  meet the needs of our education . Thus, we ensure the quality and quantity of the daily teaching work carried out.

Our preschool provides children rich educational environment,equipped with a dancing room, a ECMP classroom ,many multifunctional  studios ,  4 piano rooms, a chess room , many multifunctional special activity rooms . Meanwhile ,our preschool provides children curriculums of physical training, art , music , painting, dancing and etc, pushing full range of improving children’s overall qualities.  

Due to significant achievements in all aspects ,our Jinri preschool has been generally acknowledged to be a real Suzhou Excellent Preschool、Suzhou Ping'an school、Class A Canteen Management、 Class A Bud Health Room. 

Our running preschool’s thought is “Fine management, Characteristic development , Quality education ” . Our goal is to “ Make our children happy and endeavor to make the parents and all walks of life  satisfied. ”