聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A2 ,注册编号:3213019
苏州工业园区外国语学校坐落在美丽的苏州工业园区金鸡湖东侧,是一所集国际幼儿园、国际小学、国际初中、国际高中、国际大学预科为一体的寄宿兼走读制学校,面向中外籍学生同时招生。学校占地总面积50000平方米,环境优雅、硬件完善、充满现代气息。学校结合中西方教育的优势,引进国外先进的教育理念和课程,注重学生身心健康、终身学习和贴近社会需求,坚持突出外语特色,开展丰富多彩的选修课程与社团活动,让学生的各种能力得到锻炼,培养走向世界的人才。学校在高起点、高标准的建设基础上,将用一流的教育质量和完善的教育服务,培养完整的人。 |
The Suzhou Industrial Park Foreign Language School is situated in beautiful SIP alongside Jinji Lake, offering kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school and GAC Foundation programs, which are available for both boarding and day students. Both Chinese and foreign students are welcome to attend our school. The school occupies a total area of 50000 square meters, in an elegant environment with complete facilities and a modern flavor. Our strengths include Asian and Western education philosophy and curriculum, bringing advanced education concepts, emphasizing students’ physical and mental health through lifelong learning skills. We are conscious of social needs, insist on featuring foreign languages, have colorful elective courses, extra-curricular club activities, and help students train their ability to become independent, successful, members of the community, able to face the world with confidence. SIP Foreign Language School operates a first class facility and provides a top quality education for all of its students, shaping and cultivation of healthy personality. |