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  Shuren School of Yangzhou High School Education Group was established in June 1999. After eighteen years’ fast and healthy development, it has formed the pattern of one school, two campuses (Jiulonghu Campus and Nanmenjie Campus) and three divisions (Junior High School Division, Senior High School Division and International Division), and in the meantime it is entrusted with administering the Experimental High School of Yangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone. Currently, it has 125 classes, 5673 in-school students, and 430 full-time teaching and non-teaching staff.


  Since the setup of Shuren School, we have been insisting on the educational philosophy and pattern of “combining science and humanities, and co-regarding comprehensive and featured education”, on the running-school tenet of “cultivating souls as the ultimate goal and serving the society”, and have stepwise formed the school spirit of “cultivating souls with exemplified morals and striving for consistent improvements”, the teaching spirit of “teaching knowledge, cultivating souls, and keeping improving” and the learning spirit of “joyous learning and growing wholesomely”


  We have been adhering to the principle of quality, “Three Wholes”, and on the practice of “making the school established on quality, strengthened through scientific research, prosper through culture, and stand out through featuredness”, followed by a gradual promotion of quality of education and teaching. Matriculation performance has been bettering, the number of students that have been admitted by key senior high schools and universities is growing year after year, which has been recognized by parents and well reputed by the society.

  在教育教学中,学校积极推行“差异·合作”教学模式,聚焦高效教学,紧盯课堂主阵地,坚持向课堂要质量,向学生自主学习、自主发展要质量。2012年8月成功申报成为江苏省百所数字化学习试点校之一,在全面推进e学习方面进行了积极的探索。两年来,通过专家指导、观摩学习、自我尝试,e学习取得了较好的效果,并先后接待了来至全国20多所学校的领导和同行前来参观指导,组织近十次观摩展示活动。同时,以《树人印迹》为抓手,强化“三自教育”,打造“三大学习共同体” ,培育“三大特色”,努力培养“国际视野、中国灵魂、扬州情怀、树人特质”的优秀学生。“三自教育”是:自主生活、自主学习、自主规划人生。“三大学习共同体”包括:以小组合作学习为主体的课内学习共同体,以少科院为阵地的课外学习共同体,以团队一体化为载体的校内外学习共同体。“三大特色”是:英文经典诵读、树人少科院、“差异·合作”学习模式。经过近几年打磨,学校已构建了包括初、高中各门学科在内的58门校本课程,使得全校的每一个学生至少有一门自己喜爱的选修课程。

  In the process of education and teaching, we actively carry out the teaching mode of “difference and cooperation”, highlight efficient teaching, pay close attention to the classroom performance which is essential to high teaching quality and pursue high quality through students’ independent learning as well as their independent development. In 2012 August ,she declared the success that she has become one of the 100 digital learningpilot schoolsin Jiangsu Province, She has been actively exploring in advancing e-learning. For two years, through expert guidance, learning, self learning attempts, e-learning has achieved good results, and she has received more than 20 schools across the country and many colleagues came to visit  and she organized observation and exhibition of nearly ten times. Meanwhile, referring to Shuren Footprints, we strengthen “three-independence education”, build “three learning communities”, and cultivate “three features”, through which we aim to arm students with international vision, Chinese spirits, and Yangzhou temperament. The “three-independence education” refers to independent living, independent learning, and independent design of life. The “three learning communities” include group-cooperation-learning featured in-class learning community, the extracurricular learning community at Chinese Academy of Sciences for Youngsters (CASY), and the integrated group in- and out-of-school learning community. The “three features” are English Classic Reading, Shuren Chinese Academy of Sciences for Youngsters (thereafter referred to as Shuren Academy), and difference-cooperation learning mode. After several years’ unremitting efforts, we have opened 58 courses including all junior and senior high school subjects, leaving every student to be able to choose one optional course to their liking.



  In 2009, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary celebration of Shuren School, the establishment of "Shuren youngsters’ science academy" has shown the theoretical research and practical exploration in the early cultivation of scientific and technological innovation talents.

  Based on the construction of each class, our school’s three-level management features cultivating students’ ability in "self-learning, self-management, self-education, self-assessment" by fostering top-notch students at the school level, assessing elective courses at the grade level and implementing the project at the class level, which lays down the core knowledge quality of "science, technology, engineering and mathematics", the core capacity of "inquiry, design, innovation and practice" and the core spirit of "rational thinking, Critical questioning and dare to explore " .

  Since its founding, more than 2,000 people have won awards at all levels of technological innovation, of which 48 were awarded the invention of gold, silver, bronze, 328 people won the national first, second, third prize, 502 people won the first, second, third prize in Jiangsu Province. The school has also won around 28 collective awards, such as “the 2nd International Youth Innovation Design Competition outstanding organization award", "Jiangsu Province youth science and technology innovation top ten schools", "Jiangsu province science and technology education five star advanced collective unit", "national top science demonstration base" , "the first" batch of STEM educational project pilot units in Jiangsu Province".

  More importantly,Li Mu and Tu Jingyi, two teenage academicians, were elected representatives of the National Association of Teenagers respectively to attend the sixth and eighth National Young Pioneers Congress, by Hu Jintao and General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially received.

  Three teenage academicians,Wei Kang, Dai Weihang, Shen Yimin, won the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Youth Science and Technology Innovation Peiyuan Award.

  Four teenage academicians, Li Xu, Che Jingyin, Zhu Haojun, Bao Xin Yue,  have won the title of the top ten small academicians.

  Cui Shijie and other 11 teenage academicians have been honored as Jiangsu province science and technology innovation pacesetter.

  Luyuan, and other 12 teenage academicians have won the Yangzhou City Youth Science and Technology Innovation Mayor Award.

  Zhang Shiyao and other 78 students have consecutively won the title of  “teenage academician of the Chinese juvenile academy of science”.


  In February 2012, Shuren School has initiated “Shuren Go Center” and signed the contract with Yangzhou chess association for the sponsorship of the chess competition named “Shuren cup” which has become the largest-scaled and highest-level chess contest in Yangzhou with name of Jiangsu excellent mass sports event. Players from Shuren Go Center has obtained two champions and one runner-up respectively in "well-known middle school group" team competitions of 2012-2014 National Children's Go Game; Shuren Go Center also achieved good grades in visiting Korea and its reception of Japanese go court; In 2015 and 2016, the Top 10 players of two consecutive Yangzhou “Shuren cup” go competitions were all from Shuren Go Center which has included more than 400 amateur players and more than 90 beyond the 4th level up till now.  

  2012年3月,我校在原树人文学社的基础上,成立了“树人文学院”,下设文学社、诗社、戏剧社。树人文学社先后荣获“全国中学生文学社团示范单位”、全国“百佳文学社”、“全国优秀校园文学社团奖”等称号。在“叶圣陶杯”“恒源祥杯”“美文”征文比赛、江苏省中小学网络读书活动、江苏省“中学生与社会”作文及诗歌竞赛、“名师点拨杯”作文大赛等一系列比赛中屡获殊荣。马文同学在第五届“恒源祥文学之星”总决赛中获全国一等奖,并获得“恒源祥文学之星”最佳提名奖的好成绩。詹佳丽同学获得“叶圣陶杯”全国中学生新作文大赛一等奖,并在“首届全国中学生原创文学”比赛中荣获“少年作家奖”。2013年,马珮文同学在“恒源祥文学之星”中国中学生作文大赛总决赛中荣获一等奖,在第三届“语文报杯”全国中学生原创文学(作文)大赛中荣获个人综合最高奖“全国十佳文学少年”称号,在“叶圣陶杯”全国中学生新作文大赛中,荣获“全国十佳小作家提名奖”。 2015,李若愚同学获得“名师点拨杯”特等奖。袁昕怡等6位同学在江苏省“中学生与社会”作文大赛决赛中获得一等奖,袁昕怡同学还获得第十届江苏省中小学诗歌竞赛初中组一等奖及“诗歌之星”称号。2016年,李若愚同学再次获得名师点拨杯作文竞赛一等奖,吴星仪同学获得江苏省第十五届“中学生与社会”作文大赛一等奖。2017年1月,马欣妍和姚远双双荣获第十届江苏省中小学诗歌竞赛初中组一等奖,姚远还荣获“诗歌之星”称号。

  In March 2012, based on the original Shuren literature society, “Shuren art society” has been established, under which involves literature, poetry and drama societies. Shuren literature society has won “national model unit of middle school literature society, “Top 100 literature society” and “excellent national literature society”. It has also scored great achievement in series of writing and poetry contests like “Ye Shengtao cup” and “Heng Yuanxiang cup”, and online reading for Jiangsu primary and secondary students. Students like Mawen has won the first prize and the best nomination prize in the final contest of the 5th “Heng yuanxiang star of literature” and Zhan Jiali, the first prize in “Ye Shengtao cup” a national new writing competition for middle school students as well as “the honor of adolescent writer” in “the 1st national original literature competition for middle school students”. In 2013, Ma Peiwen has won the first prize in the final of the writing competition for Chinese middle school students named “Heng Yuanxiang Star of literature”, and the best prize “Top 10 China’s adolescents of literature” in the 3rd national original writing competition for middle school students called “Chinese cup”. In 2015, Li Ruoyu won the "teacher point cup" special award. Yuan Xinyi and other six students in Jiangsu Province, "middle school students and social" essay contest won the first prize; Yuan Xinyi students also won the Tenth Jiangsu Province primary and secondary school poetry competition junior high school group first prize and "poetry star" title. In 2016, Li Ruoyu once again won the first prize of the teacher essay contest. Wu Xingyi won the fifteenth Jiangsu Province, "high school students and social" essay contest first prize. In January 2017, Ma Xinyan and Yao Yuan both won the tenth Jiangsu primary and secondary school poetry competition junior high school group first prize; Yao Yuan also won the "poetry star" title. 

  近年来,学校还先后获得“全国中小学外语教研工作示范学校”、“全国地理科普教育示范基地”、“全国中小学生创新作文教育实验基地”、“中国教育学会十二五教育科研规划重点课题子课题示范校”、全国教育科学“十二五”教育部规划课题教育部中国教师发展基金会重点资助项目全国重点实验基地、“教育部中国教师发展基金会校本建设项目全国重点实验学校”等荣誉称号;荣获“江苏省文明单位”“江苏省平安校园”“江苏省节水型单位”“江苏省义务教育现代化学校”“江苏省健康促进学校金奖”“江苏省教育国际合作交流先进学校” “江苏省优秀少先队集体” “江苏省中学少先队工作示范学校”“江苏省少年科学院小哥白尼科技创新优秀组织奖” “江苏省物理学科实验基地”“江苏省基础教育百校数字化学习试点学校”“江苏省青少年科学教育特色学校称号”“江苏省初中英语教材实验基地”“江苏省诗教先进单位”"江苏省中小学心理健康教育特色学校"“江苏省数字化学习试点学校”“江苏省第六届中小学网络读书活动团体奖” “第十四届江苏省青少年电子技师认定活动团体一等奖” “2014年江苏省中小学校园心理剧优秀剧目评选二等奖”等省级称号;“扬州市经典诵读示范学校” “扬州市招飞工作先进集体” “扬州市首届青少年科技创新市长奖评选优秀组织单位”“扬州市宣传思想文化工作创新奖”“市属社会医疗机构先进集体”“扬州市十二五教育科研示范校”“扬州市心理健康教育优秀学校”“扬州市教育工作先进单位”“扬州市三个文明建设共驻共建模范单位”“扬州市中学共青团工作示范校”“扬州市数字化校园先进集体”“扬州市示范校教育科研工作考评优秀奖”“2014年全市中小学优秀学校网站评比一等奖”扬州市“优秀教育科研示范校” ,扬州城庆2500周年全市中小学生扬州历史文化知识竞赛决赛活动优秀组织奖、扬州建城2500周年 “家乡美”手绘纪念封设计大赛优胜单位,扬州市第四届青少年科技创新市长奖优秀组织单位、扬州市第二十六届青少年科技创新大赛优秀组织单位、2015年度扬州市红领巾读书征文优秀组织奖等多项荣誉。2016年,我校被评为“中华诗教先进单位”、“江苏省首批书法特色学校” “江苏省艺术教育特色学校”、扬州市中小学“优秀家长学校”、广陵区平安法治建设工作“先进集体”。我校还被教育部授予“健康体育课程模式”基地学校;成为华东师范大学上海市地理教育教学研究基地实验学校、江苏省中学物理培优基地学校、 “2016年度江苏省班队集体建设示范校”。

  In the recent years, we have won many titles and honors at both national and regional levels such as “National Exhibition School for the Teaching and Research of Foreign Languages for Primary and High Schools”, “National Exhibition Centre for Popular Geography Science”, “National Experiment Centre for Creative Writing for Primary and High School Students”, “Jiangsu Civilized Unit”,“Jiangsu Safe Campus”,“Jiangsu Water-Saving Model Unit”,“Jiangsu Model School for International Education Cooperation and Communication”, “Jiangsu Model School with Excellent Young Pioneers”, “Excellent Organizing Award for Little Nicolaus Copernicus Technological Innovation of CASY in Jiangsu”, “Jiangsu Experiment Centre for Physics Science”, “Jiangsu Pilot School for Digitalized Learning in Elementary Education”, “Jiangsu Special School of Science Education for Youngsters”, “Yangzhou Exhibition School of Classics Recitation” “Yangzhou Model Unit for Pilots Recruitment”, “Mayor’s Excellent Organizing Award in Yangzhou’s First Technological Innovation Competition for Youngsters”, just to name a few" "Chinese society of educationeducation five key scientific topics planning sub-project of the national science education demonstration school", "The 12th five-year" planning project of Ministry of education, Ministry of education of China Teachers Development Fund key project supported by the national key experimental base, "China's Ministry of education, teacher development foundation school construction project of National Key Laboratory School" and other honorary titles; Yangzhou the 12th five-year education research and demonstration school" "Yangzhou outstanding school mental health education" "Yangzhou education advanced unit" "Yangzhou city construction of the three civilizations stationed in the building model unit" "Yangzhou City Middle School Youth League work demonstration school" Yangzhou city "Digital Campus" advanced collective "Demonstration School of education and scientific research in Yangzhou city evaluation of the work" award of excellence "in 2014 the city's excellent primary and secondary school website Award" honorary title.In 2016, Shuren school was appraised as “advanced unit for Chinese classics education”, “Jiangsu pilot characteristic school for calligraphy learning” “Jiangsu characteristic school for art education” “excellent school of parents” from yangzhou primary and secondary schools and “advanced collectives” in constructive work for peace and order of Guangling district. Shuren school has also been awarded “Physical Education Curriculum Model" base school by the Ministry of Education, and has become the experimental school in the Shanghai geography education and teaching research base of East China Normal university, elite base school for middle school physics education in Jiangsu province, and “2016 Jiangsu model school for class building”. 

  建校至今,树人学子中有叶帆,徐向云等上百位学生在牛津、剑桥、哈佛等世界名校留学深造。2009年,学校创办了国际部,积极与英国、加拿大、新加坡、澳大利亚等国加强友好合作,加快了学校国际化发展的步伐。国际部按照学校“初中部做优、高中部做精、国际部做特”的总体发展思路,遵循“语言学习优先发展,必修课程并重发展,体艺素养特长发展”的课程原则,把“挖掘潜力,激发活力,发展智力,培养能力,增强领导力,全面提升国际竞争力”作为学生培养的目标,为民族的振兴 和社会发展培养具有“国际视野,中国灵魂,扬州特质”的新型人才。首届中加班学生杨天驰、孟中笑、宋悦、俞皓嵩已经被加拿大排名第一的多伦多大学录取。2013届中加班26人参加加拿大升学考试,录取加拿大一流重点大学24人,录取率达92.3%。2014届中加班46人申请大学,100%升学,其中76%的学生被世界一流大学录取。2014年,中美班开班,并与美国绿河大学建立友好合作关系。发展态势很好。2015届中加国际班40人中升入全北美排名100名高校的学生录取人数33人,录取比例82.5%;排名前50名的学生录取人数22人,录取比例55%。2016届国际部高三学生46人共收到世界各地大学录取通知书238封,人均5封。升入全北美排名100名大学的学生达41人,录取比例89%;升入排名前50名大学的学生达26人,录取比例56%。2017届国际部高三学子54人,升入全北美排名前100名大学的有49人,录取比例达90.7%;升入排名前50名大学的有32人,录取比例达59.2%。有27人次获得不同大学提供的共32.5万加币(折合人民币162.5万元)的奖学金。

  Since its establishment, Shuren has seen up to a hundred graduates studying in world-renowned universities such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, and Harvard University, among whom were Ye Fan and Xu Xiangyun. In 2009, we set up the International Division, actively strengthening the friendly cooperation with the UK, Canada, Singapore, Australia etc, which speeded up our steps in making our school more international. Following the general development philosophy of “making Junior High School Division excellent, Senior High School Division exquisite, and International Division unique”and the curriculum principle of “giving priority to linguistic development, co-priority to compulsory courses, special priority to PE and art talent”, the International Division aims at “digging students’potential, invigorating them, developing their intelligence, cultivating their ability, strengthening their leadership ability, and promoting their international competitiveness ”, striving to cultivate new talents with international vision, Chinese spirits and Yangzhou temperament for our nation’s thriving and social development. Yang Tianchi, Meng Zhongxiao, Song Yue, and Yu Haosong who were graduates from the first Sino-Canada cooperative education program were all admitted to Canada’s No.1 university, Toronto University, which shows the good trend of development.In 2013, 26 students of Sino-Canadian Class took the Canadian entrance examination and 24 of them were enrolled by prestigious universities in Canada with an admission rate up to 92.3%.In 2014, all of the 46 students in Sino-Canadian Class were highly qualified to be admitted to universities abroad, 76% of whom were enrolled in the first-class universities worldwide. In the same year, our Sino-American class was initiated and managed to establish friendly, stable and cooperative relationship with Green River College, US., which has maintained a strong and positive momentum of development.In 2015, 33 among 40 students of our Sino-Canadian Class were accepted in Top 100 universities throughout North America with an acceptance rate of 82.5%. What’s more, 22 students were admitted to Top 50 universities with an admission rate of 55%.In 2016, 46 students of ShuRen International Department have received 238 letters of admission from many different universities all over the world with 5 letters for each on average. The number of students who were admitted to Top 100 universities throughout North America amounted to 41 and 26 of them were in Top 50 universities with respective enrollment rate of 89% and 56%.


  In 2010, we actively corresponded to the call of Yangzhou Municipal Government, cooperated with Yangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and moved to Jiulonghu Campus. We were entrusted with administering the Experimental High School of the Development Zone, making contributions to promoting the cross-administrative-region development of high quality educational resources,making an “innovated, exquisite, and happy Yangzhou”, and providing conditions for us to realize “scientific, transformational and leapfrog development”.

  我们相信,在扬州市委、市政府的关心支持下,在上级教育主管部门的直接指导下,在全校师生员工的共同努力下,树人学校定能建设成为“扬州著名,江苏一流,全国有影响” 的人民满意学校。

  Under the care and support of Yangzhou Municipal Government and the direct leadership of relevant superior educational departments, and with the ceaseless efforts of our staff, we firmly believe that we will be able to build Shuren School into a school that is “famous in Yangzhou, first-class in Jiangsu, and influential in China”, ultimately meeting people’s expectations.