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聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A2 ,注册编号:3125001

Histroy 办学背景:

Victoria Educational Organisation (VEO) was established in 1965 in Hongkong and has been providing high quality education for over 50 years. On Mainland China, VEO has three kindergartens in Shenzhen, four kindergartens in Shanghai, and  a kindergarten in Hangzhou and Suzhou. In Hong Kong,VEO operate one kindergarten and one  primary/secondary school (The Victoria Shanghai Academy).


All VEO kindergartens incorporate local practices and develop unique, systematic and effective early childhood education programs which are recognized and appreciated by parents and educators. Ms. Christina Ting is the founding principal and present supervisor of the Victoria Educational Organisation. Dr. Maggie Koong, herself a former graduate of Victoria Kindergarten is the Chief Principal of the Victoria Educational Organisation, overseeing all of its Hong Kong and Mainland China schools.




Mission 学校使命: 

To develop innovative learning and teaching environments that foster teachers’ professionalism and help children reach their full potential.



Characteristics 学校特色:

l  International education 国际化的教育理念

l  Bilingual environment 纯正独特的双语环境

l  IB Curriculum 探究式的IB课程

l  A nurturing, caring learning atmosphere 温馨和谐的学习氛围

l  A wide variety of learning oppotunities 多元化的学习机会

l  Overseas profesional teachers 海外招聘的专业外籍教师

l  Chinese & English classroom teachers 名副其实的中英文双班主任制(双语班)