聘请外国文教专家资格证注册类型:A2 ,注册编号:3101021
学院以教师专业发展为核心,努力构建以需求为导向的教师专业发展支持系统,整合教师研修网、云录播课堂评价系统、学业质量分析系统、教师专业发展系统等,变革教研科研、教师培训方式,营建研修共同体、特色团队以及教师个体学习空间,为区域教育教学改革、教师专业发展提供支持与服务 。
学院通过外引内培,不断优化人才结构,逐渐形成了一支结构较合理、水平较高的培训者队伍。学院组织架构以院务中心、科研中心、教研中心、发展中心和技术中心等五大中心为主。现有教职工163人,其中特级教师11人,区学科带头人27人,区骨干教师17人, 名师工作室主持人8人,5位博士研究生以及一批具有硕士研究生学历的优秀教师。在闵行区教育优质化、信息化、国际化的发展愿景下,学院将进一步建设成为区域开放性教育人才高地,高层次教育研究中心、专业化教师发展中心和多元化教育交流中心,成为一所优秀人才聚集兼蓄、特色鲜明的研究型、服务型区域教育学院。
Minhang Education Institute Intro
Minhang Education Institute, , formerly the West Suburb Teachers’ Institute established in 1958 and Minhang Teachers’ Institute established,changed to current name in March 2011 , is a public institution directly governed by Minhang Education Bureau. Our mandate includes enhancing and implementation of course reform, research and guidance in education and teaching, assessment and management for education quality, establishing and training of teachers’ talent pool and application and promotion of information technology district wide. Among our honors and awards are National Exemplary Institute for Education Research, National “Eleventh Five Year” Exemplary Team for Education Research, Shanghai Exemplary Unit for Harmonious School (2000-2010), Shanghai Excellent Workplace.
In the principle of achieving excellence in both academic and ethical realms and with the visionary of development through optimization, information technology and globalization, we are committed to fully leverage think tank advantage for decision making and education quality assurance to build the institute into a conglomeration for talents and centre for advanced education research, focused teachers’ development and diversified educational exchange, that is inclusive and unique and with research and serving as its core.