

2023年-第二十一届中国国际人才交流大会 提交招聘需求


发布:2015-3-21 14:58:46 点击:790 用户:Lisa 出自:聘外易

For the teacher who wants to teach english in the smaller citys


There are some foreigners just want to work in the smaller city of china, cause they know very clearly that in the bigger citys like beijing, shanghai, shenzhen, guangzhou all those big citys the expenses are also very high, and some of them just dont like the bigger citys cause of different reasons, may be they just dont like it always keep you busy and will have no enough time for the familys and also dont have much time for themselves, so they just want to go to the smaller city in china and start their working and life in there, thats what they wanted, and i understand it very well, so when i have such teachers who wants to go to the smaller city in china and teach there, i always do all my best to help them, so they also wanted my help so much, but the only problem is that they will not get high salary if they work in the small city, cause of the expenses in ths small city is not much at all, and also people normally have lower salary cause of that, so if the foreigners can accept the lower salary then they can get the job very easily, so thats why i always wanted to help those foreigners to get a job in china, because they are very much easier to get a job than those people who only wants to go to the big citys, really this is the truth, and also the most interesting thing is that there are also a lots of native speakers that also wants to work in the smaller citys, and some of them are even wants to work just as a volunteer with very low salary paied and some even no paied at all, all they want is just to help the poors, well, this is the most greatfull thing to do, i liked those teachers so much, so i always to do all of my best to help them with their job and living in china, cause they are really very kind person and also thats what they deserve.

There are also a lots of very good schools in the smaller citys too, such like the most famouse primary school or kingdergartens or the universitys in the small city, they are very good school in china and also the most famouse school in china too, and they have the most perfessional teachers in the school and also they need foreign teachers too, so in those kind of schools that have a good image and who wants to hire foreign teachers but in the small city of china, so normally they are having little bit difficulties to hire the foreign teachers just because they are not having a good location, and most of the foreign teachers wants to go to the bigger and developed citys in china, and most of them wants to go to the south citys of china, and also some wants to go to the costal citys, but they are also having the problems with the schools, because there are lots of foreign teachers wants to go to those good and developed citys, so there are lots of foreifgners in those big citys, of course they are not easy to get a job cause there are so many, and will also not have many chances for the good jobs, so then they will think of the smaller citys of china, may be they will get more chances to get a job there, thats why i really suggest those foreigners who are not the natives countries, better for you is to go to the smaller city of china and work, and dont waste your time in searching the jobs in the big citys, cause its too difficult, even some natives speakers are very hard to get a job in big city, so what about those non natives? Of course its more difficult, so thats the only way and also the best option for them.

I really admire those native speakers who can go to the smaller city and work, they are really greatfull person, and also its more easy for them to get a job in the smaller city, so i would like to help all of them, and they can work very well and stable in those smaller citys, and start their life and teaching there, they also liked the job very much and can manage very well, the most of the schools likes them so much, cause they are native and having the good accent and also having the teaching expericences and also they are the white people, so they can work very well and get salary paied every month on time, this is very good thing.


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