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发布:2015-11-28 10:34:48 点击: 用户:pinwaiyi.com

Teach in university in china


There are lots of foreign teachers that wants to get a univeristy teaching job in china,(有很多的外教老师想得到在中国大学任教的机会) cause it is a better job for them and also no need for the office hours and can must more time for themselves and the family,(因为这对他们来说是不需坐班可以有更多私人时间的更好的工作) so that they can have time to expolre the city and china, and get to know more about the culture and study more about china, well its good actually, also work in the university is more relaxed and does not have much work to do, so only work from Monday to Friday and have 2 days off on weekend, and also in summer and winnter holidays will get full salary paied, so in the free times you can even do some part time jobs and gain more extra money if you want, this is really good isn’t it? So thats why that the foreign teachers choose to teach in the university, and most of the reasons is that they are more qualified teachers and have lots of rich experiencens in taching filed, and gain lots of teaching skills and also the university jobs are mostly to teach subject not just oral english, so this makes this position looks more difficult and more perfessional, but still it is attractive jobs also, cause it will have more and attractive bonus after complete the contract and also will have much more allowance like travelling and parties and some others, so this makes the job more interesting and challenging, thats why most foreigners wants to take this university job and can not even consider any other positions, mostly the univeristies in china dont pay much higher salary except few university pays high salary, but that is not a problem, still there are much people wants to teach in the university.


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Also teach in the university can really progree your teaching career and can get you a higher level of teaching, you will gain more teaching experiences and also can get more spesific teaching skills and then you become a very experienced teacher and also can make you more perfessional, and can creat more possibilities in seeking good jobs than others, cause of your university teaching experiences and your highly qualifications, so you can even go higher in your teaching career and make a remarkable contribution in education field, and also gain people’s highly respect too, anyway, thats why most of the foreigners wants to teach in the iniversity cause they really want to lift themselves up, and complete their life goal in teaching.

And also to teach in the university is not easy too, first of all it requires you must be highly qualified and also must have more teaching experiences and some even need to be masters, so it requries a lots and you really need to be very matured and experienced so that you can teach in the university, also some universitys in china they need you to have at least no less than 2 years university teaching experiences so that they can consider you for the position other wise they can not even think about you, so this is the condition now and it becomes more details and more seriouse today, you really need to know more about the position before you go for it.


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Also there is adult training schools that looks familiar with the university teachings, and the only different is that the training schools that need to have office hours but the university dont, and you will also need to work in the weekend in the training schools, also need to work in the night most of the time, so compare with the two of course to teach in the university is much more better than the training school, they are in the different levels of teaching, but normally training schools pays higher salary than university but they have the most busy jobs that will always keeps you very busy and stressed but also with higher paied of course.

So no matter what to teach in the univeristy is still the nest options as my point of view, so if you are highly qualified then you can apply for the university teaching, there are still lots of chances in china for this kind of positions, and also after your teaching in the university will makes you much more perfessional and can easily get another good job with no issues at all.


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